
en_31 BSN, RN

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  1. Huntington Hospital RN Residency April 2022

    Ahhh so happy for you! Congrats!!
  2. Huntington Hospital RN Residency April 2022

    @rt_94 thank you! I hope they get back to you soon ??
  3. Huntington Hospital RN Residency April 2022

    @rt_94 I had the interview on 2/17 and got an offer the next day.
  4. Huntington Hospital RN Residency April 2022

    No worries :) Good luck! I’m an external candidate, so I think you have a chance of getting in!
  5. Huntington Hospital RN Residency April 2022

    Basically know about your reason for choosing Huntington and your unit of choice. And then how do you manage stress, tell them about yourself, behavioral Qs (ie how do u deal with difficult pt). They asked some random ones like whats your fav clinica...
  6. Huntington Hospital RN Residency April 2022

    Hey! Which unit did you apply to? I had an interview and received an offer for the surgical unit :)
  7. CSULB Spring 2022

    Hi, I’m a current nursing student here. Clinicals are usually 8-9 hours. During COVID times I did 10-12 hrs. It just depends on the instructor and where you get placed ? also no, you cant choose day or night. Most of the time it’s gonna be days.
  8. CSULB FALL 2019

    Hi, I'm planning to move to LB area and Im looking for a roommate ^^
  9. CSULB FALL 2019

    Hi, I also signed up for the one on July 22, see you there ^^