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About nursenemo123

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  1. Summer 2019 Atlanta Nurse Residency

    Good to know!
  2. Summer 2019 Atlanta Nurse Residency

    Emory has been Caribbean blue for nurses for YEARS. However, after my interview a nurse on the unit showed me around. I asked about scrubs and she told me that as of June (aka now), the color will...
  3. Summer 2019 Atlanta Nurse Residency

    I have my unit managers cell phone number. But I do not think we need to know our schedule yet... Also you can purchase scrubs whenever you want, to my understanding. Unless your unit has specific...
  4. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    I’m curious about the 4-8 dollar pay raise as well. Does that start after the 16 weeks of orientation or after the 1 year of
  5. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    Nope... I’m getting scared that they didn’t get my acceptance letter and they gave my spot away
  6. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    I messaged
  7. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    What are y’all’s plans for living situations? I’m from Florida so I know nothing
  8. Grady Summer 2019 Residency

    Anyone choose
  9. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    Yep, mostly it was all “tell about a time this happened.....” or “how would you react if this happened....” but of course there were basic stuff like “why do you want to work at
  10. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    Surgical ICU and Neuro ICU. I was wondering if anyone had any info about them that would help me decide, but mother baby isn’t even close
  11. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    It was group interviews. It was 1-2 of them with 4ish of
  12. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    What did you get? Can you message me? Idk how to send messages
  13. Grady RN Residency Program 2019

    Check your
  14. Grady Summer 2019 Residency

    @sasberry0704 you should call and
  15. Grady Summer 2019 Residency

    Anyone know what they mean by