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  1. SRNAs demeaning other DNP specialties

    SRNA123, I think it shows a great deal of maturity and emotional intelligence to recognize this type of behavior among your classmates. I, too, just started my CRNA program, and my cohort is also intermingled with different specialties for the core ...
  2. University of South Florida (USF) CRNA DNP 2019 Program

    Etomidating, you seem upset by my post. In no way did I mean for my post to be rude or degrading. When I said they didnt ask questions that assessed my ability to be successful in the program, I meant that they didnt ask any questions that assessed m...
  3. University of South Florida (USF) CRNA DNP 2019 Program

    I recently finished interviewing at USF for the DNP May start date. It was my top choice school. They offered me a spot earlier this week, and I declined. I strongly recommend interviewing at atleast 1 other school to get a feel of how you will be tr...