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All Content by aped2014

  1. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Is anyone taking an online pharm class this summer out of Kingwood? I can’t list the instructor name since we keep getting in trouble for it, but hopefully I can find out this way
  2. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    If I’m not mistaken they will register us for classes themselves, and a current student said in July or so? We should know more after orientation
  3. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Do you guys know the hours for the first three weeks? Like is it all day?
  4. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Did anyone that got into NH get their identgo email yet?
  5. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    I’m in too!!! 7.456 to NH yayyyyyy omg congrats everybody!!!
  6. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    But there’s also people with scores lower than people who got rejection letters that didn’t receive anything either, so what’s that mean? This is a mess!
  7. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Lawd ??‍♀️ This is too much. I just wish everyone was on the same page
  8. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    I just talked to the program coordinator at cy fair and she said all letters for the other three campuses have been sent out because they are automatic, and that Montgomery was in charge of all the alternates so all of those should have been sent out...
  9. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    I was told by admission counselors it was your critical thinking score then your gpa!
  10. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Your score is super high so I’m positive you made it somewhere. I’m starting to think maybe not all the emails for all the campuses are done being sent out along with none being sent out for NH. The first tie breaker I was told after your score would...
  11. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    I didn’t get an acceptance, alternate, rejection of fingerprint email! Hoping we just all made it into NH that haven’t heard anything yet, I can’t wait till Monday!
  12. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    congratulations thats good!! You will more than likely still get in! So I guess this means ALL alternate letters are out?
  13. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    If im not mistaken at least one person already got an alternate letter though thats why all of this is confusing! When I spoke to the North Harris advisor Wednesday she said ALL the schools submit and send together, and since all the campuses are clo...
  14. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    who did you email?
  15. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    I’ve called and haven’t gotten an answer at ANY campus ? this is so stressful
  16. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    im just praying they are going out in waves! Also hoping north harris can get into work today with this weather ?
  17. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Congrats guys!!!! nothing for me yet either we have the same score! ? What was your critical thinking score?
  18. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    I changed mine to T, NH then CF before the deadline
  19. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Yeah I have a 7.456 and no email for me either ??‍♀️
  20. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Nutrition is really easy! You could even do that in a summer course! If you can get ************* online in the fall (I took her in summer and got an A) she is amazinggggg!
  21. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Also the test definitely repeats questions when you retake it.
  22. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Boostprep has an AP HESI study module that’s 15 bucks and it goes over ALL AP and give you small quizzes after each section then I believe it comes with 4 practice tests. I failed the HESI a couple times with a’s in everything but math and a high b ...
  23. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    See that’s my thing. I’ve been wondering if I should be calling or not and they sound so bothered (which I’m sure they’re getting a lot of calls) but what are we supposed to do? We can’t plan much else in our lives until then and so many things depen...
  24. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    She said it doesn’t mean you got in or you didn’t if you got a letter and the same if you didn’t. That’s why I’m more confused because it seems like only higher scoring people got letters
  25. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Okay so I talked to the nursing director at Tomball yesterday, she said those letters don’t mean you were accepted or you weren’t, and if you got one you can start the process now, and if you don’t make it they’ll still be good for next time. She als...