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  1. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    You can attend full or part time.
  2. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    Danse87, there is a link to the FB group in this thread.
  3. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    I also have not received a follow-up e-mail,
  4. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    I am unable to pm you esipbisn. Could you pm me and I will give you the information so I can join the FB page ?
  5. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    Psych0319, I have been accepted into the BSN-MSN track.
  6. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    Congratulations !!! I would be interested in a FB group.
  7. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    Check your e-mails. I just received a notice that I have been accepted !
  8. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    SpootHeadRN, do you mind sharing your stats ( GPA, experience as a psych nurse) so that we have some idea of competitiveness within the program? I am sure that it varies each semester, however I am curious.
  9. University of South Alabama PMHNP Fall 2019

    I also applied to USA for the PMHNP program. I wonder how many applicants generally apply to this program for the fall semester. Does anyone know how competitive it is to be accepted?