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About katherinebrewer7

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  1. Thanks for that feedback, will include as a limitation for the survey.
  2. Hello fellow nurses, I am studying nurse well-being in the context of the work environment. I'm conducting a research survey that asks about experiences of bullying, organizational response to bullying (i.e. actions your took organization do before/a...
  3. Nursing Uniforms: From Skirts to Scrubs and Beyond

    I'm very interested to see the evaluation data of relaxing restrictions on hair color, tattoos, piercings, and other forms of body art.
  4. Over 70% of Nurse Staff Turnover is Due to Bad Leadership

    Great point, some turnover is expected. And yes, turnover is highly multifactorial, I am too interested on seeing where the authors of the textbook came up with that figure.
  5. The ballad of the lonely educator

    It's frustrating, isn't it.
  6. Healthy Work Environment - Interview with Dr. Beth Ulrich

    @Dr. Samoya I definitely will!!
  7. Healthy Work Environment - Interview with Dr. Beth Ulrich

    @tnbutterflyThank you!! I would love to contact her. My research right now is for my PhD dissertation - it focuses on nurse well-being, bullying, and organizational culture regarding bullying. I am measuring a new variable in work environment for nur...
  8. Healthy Work Environment - Interview with Dr. Beth Ulrich

    Great interview. This is a part of what I'm looking at in my doctoral research - work environment and impacts on nurse well-being. Even though well being is complex, the work environment does contribute to the overall health and work enjoyment of nur...