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About Meaganrhoades

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  1. National University SD Cohort 58 - Apr 2019

    All that worrying for nothing. Ha!
  2. National University SD Cohort 58 - Apr 2019

    I hope so. I truely feel that you are good as well, but I know that me telling you that doesn't help much. I am going to try and not worry about it or get on here much anymore until we find out if we are in the program or not. I just needed some m...
  3. National University SD Cohort 58 - Apr 2019

    Oliver12343, I wish I could message on this thing but I don't have enough posts yet apparently. 4.0 and 90.7. So I need a 3/5 on essay? Uggggg....
  4. National University SD Cohort 58 - Apr 2019

    Happy Holidays! The essay has me nervous. I had a prompt that I didn't go over beforehand because it was the one I didn't want to get (classic avoidance hee hee). It was very difficult to put in the standard 5 paragraph essay format, although I did...
  5. National University SD Cohort 58 - Apr 2019

    I looked back at April 2018 cohort and acceptance (or not) was posted on dec 21. Keeping fingers crossed that we don't have to wait until Winter break is over to find out if we're accepted into the program.
  6. National University SD Cohort 58 - Apr 2019

    Thank you for all the advise and tips. If someone gets a chance, can you clear some things up for me? I have an appointment with the writing center tomorrow, but have been wondering about this for days. Driving me nuts. In the outline that is cir...
  7. National University SD Cohort 58 - Apr 2019

    I HATE computerized test. I took my TEAS in L.A. because it is written and you get an actual calculator in your hand to punch away at. I was able to write all over the test, scribble, underline, doodle. I finished all the sections but reading with at...