
diling1 MSN, RN

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  1. Stanford New Grad Residency February 2021

    I got an email from KS late last night saying that he is running behind schedule on final offers and I should be getting mine by Tuesday so they are all coming soon!
  2. Hi everyone, I accepted an offer from Stanford so I will no longer be interviewing for LP. One less person to compete with for the float hem/onc position! Good luck everyone!!
  3. The hem/onc people were told on Thursday by the recruiter that we got second interviews and will be contacted (48-72hr) from the specific units to schedule them, but haven't yet. I think if critical care hasn't been notified about 2nd interviews they...
  4. I e-mailed the recruiter yesterday but no reply yet...will keep y'all updated...have you gotten a call yet?
  5. @nursejess619 thank you so much for the update and info...I really appreciate it!
  6. @nursejess619 I was wondering if you already got contacted by your unit? It's been 72 hours so IDK if I should contact the recruiter? Thanks!
  7. Thank you!!
  8. Hi everyone, I got an interview yesterday around 5pm for 2nd round hem/onc. I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the format of the 2nd interviews? I have not gotten a date yet but was told through e-mail by the recruiter that the unit manageme...
  9. Stanford New Grad Residency February 2021

    Hello! Has anyone gotten an interview for oncology by chance? I'm anxiously waiting
  10. Stanford New Grad RN Residency Fall 2020

    Hello...CONGRATS to everyone who got offers! I will be applying next round and was wondering if the Oncology unit is part of the surgical or ICU, or its own independent unit....thanks!!
  11. UCSF MEPN 2019

    I have my interview on January 18th! Does anyone know if UCSF is known for giving out a lot of scholarships/grants? And did anyone else apply for the Health Policy Nursing track?
  12. SFSU ELM-A Spring 2019

    I just accepted my invitation! I think it said that we will be receiving an e-mail by next week with more information if we accept the invitation...congrats to everyone! Do most people already live in the Bay area or are some of you planning to move ...
  13. SFSU ELM-A Spring 2019

    Hi! I'm really happy someone started this thread! I had my interview on the 31st and am anxiously waiting to hear back!