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About Mrsvegetable

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  1. Linfield Waitlist Spring 2019

    Wow Jennxxmarie! Only 4 from the waitlist have been admitted? I did get a spot as I was number 2 and am so thankful. Past terms have seen more spots... maybe there will be some people who change their mind... Fingers crossed for those lower down on t...
  2. Linfield Spring 2019

    It is so close I can taste it! Chatted with Mindy via email earlier this week and she said they will look at numbers on Nov. 2nd to see how many waitlist peeps can get spots. I am hoping that we get our letters early next week. She responded to me th...
  3. Linfield Waitlist Spring 2019

    So I emailed Mindy the other day to see if there has been any movement on the waitlist. She said they won't even look at the waitlist until Nov 2nd. I am "assuming" that they have through today to finalize those who have responded yes to the program ...
  4. Linfield Waitlist Spring 2019

    I found out earlier this week that I am #2 on the wait list. I have seen/read past classes where people on the wait list to as high as number 15 got in. I know there is at least one person who was turning their spot down this year as they were accept...
  5. Linfield Spring 2019

    I am #2 on the waitlist! Just found out today. I am so excited... and fingers crossed I get a spot.
  6. Linfield Spring 2019

    I will wait to join the group until I know if a spot opens up for me. Haven't heard back yet from admissions on my position on the waitlist. I am super anxious about it, but if I haven't had a response by Wednesday I will check in again. I feel like ...
  7. Linfield Spring 2019

    littlebuntingdoesnursing- I hope so. My husband and I were just discussing logistics if I am indeed accepted. We have 3 kiddos and no family in the area so we will have to master the art of mom as a full time student and dad working. Trying to not ge...
  8. Linfield Spring 2019

    I received a wait list letter (great birthday gift to me). Email Mindy to find d out how far down the list I am. She's out of the office until Thursday. Fingers crossed that I make it in. My mom was put on a wait list when she went through nursing sc...