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All Content by shiftingtides

  1. I was slapped by a patient

    I hope they catch the ***.
  2. Online LPN to RN/BSN Help

    Indiana State or Excelsior are probably your best bets. With Indiana, I believe that you have to arrange local clinicals. With Excelsior, you have to plan on waiting a year for your final test (they do this in place of clinicals) and traveling to the...
  3. It's a pass for Repro!

  4. LPN to RN/BSN online

    Following...I'm also in a tiny Colorado mountain town. Finishing my LPN in Denver but then I'll be looking for a similar program.
  5. Mannequin Phobia

    Just chiming in to say that yes, they are super creepy.
  6. Desperate and need advice

    Have you tried any prescription sleeping meds? Something like Ambien might work well for you to get through clinicals. I would discuss it with your doctor. I have a similar natural sleep schedule and it worked well for me in the past.
  7. Online pre-reqs for RN

    Portage Learning (regionally accredited through Geneva College) is great.
  8. Weed

    Which states are these? All of the nursing schools in Colorado will not allow students who test positive for THC to attend. Schools take federal funds for students (student loans, grants, etc.), so I believe they have to abide by federal law.
  9. 3 States Won't License Excelsior's ADN Grads

    I don't think that this is true. California, at least, looks at what school you went to in order to sit for the NCLEX. You can't launder your degree (for lack of a better term) by getting your BSN elsewhere.
  10. CLEP Test

    You are very welcome! Good luck!
  11. CLEP Test

    I highly recommend paying the $20 for access to the test-specific threads on this site: There is great info there for this test. For me, I used that site and the info there,'s course (it is $59 a month for acce...
  12. Nurse accused of impregnating women in vegetative state

    Awful. I was hoping that it wouldn't end up being someone responsible for caring for her. What a terrible thing and he is a terrible human being.
  13. Online DNP programs

    I'm curious (and I hope you don't mind me asking in your thread, SarahP1), does anyone know of any online programs for FNP or PMHNPs that provide clinical placement, even if you have to travel to their campus a few times a year? I'm planning way ahea...
  14. Full time RN- Part time Real Estate agent?

    I have a hard time, like others have said, with the idea of a part-time real estate agent. It's not so much the part time bit, but the fact that you will not be available to take calls, show homes, complete contracts and addendums, etc. I have bought...
  15. CLEP Test

    The schools in my area have the same general policy. I love CLEPs. I tested out of psych, sociology, English Comp, and HG&D.
  16. Dismissed From Nursing School, Not Sure What To Do Now

    Colorado is definitely bad like that. I'm guessing Long Island would probably be worse.
  17. eBook vs Physical Book

    I tend to buy the physical book, or at least a version behind if it's too expensive. I don't mind reading some textbooks on my ipad, but the information sinks in better when I read it on paper.
  18. Thinking of quitting...

    Have you considered going to school to become a PA instead of an NP? It sounds like the nursing aspects are not something you're going to enjoy, and if you mainly want to diagnose getting your PA may be a better path for you. I would have said you mi...
  19. How to fight procrastination and sleeping in?

    For sleeping, I'm also a night owl and the only thing that works for me is to get up at the set time no matter what. No sleeping in - period. And to make sure i practice good sleep hygiene and go to bed at the same time if I can. But sleeping in once...
  20. Crash Course - Hank Green

    I think these are great to watch. Especially before a lecture or before diving into a chapter. Thanks for the reminder that they are out there! :)
  21. PTO

    I'd be looking elsewhere for work. That is BS on so many different levels. I'm sorry you're dealing with that.
  22. How do I become stronger clinically?

    I love this thread so hard.
  23. Weed

    I live in Colorado, and testing positive for THC will get you dismissed from every nursing school in the state, as far as I know. It definitely will with all of the programs I've looked into.
  24. HESI vs TEAS

    Hi there! Due in part to what I've been reading in these (very helpful!) forums, I've decided to wait on starting an LPN program until (hopefully) next August. The program I had signed up for was for-profit, and I found another program at less than o...
  25. CPNE
