

ED, ICU, Prehospital

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All Content by HomeBound

  1. Help with ACLS

    Yeah, I agree with Meriwhen. Once upon a time, full grown men would be sweating bullets and on the verge of vomiting during ACLS scenarios. It's crept (thankfully) in that you are rarely alone during a code. They want you to know the material, yes.....
  2. Any way you could stay over and work a few hours

    Passing meds is a different skillset--yes---however---are you seriously going to tell me that somehow doing CRRT is the equivalent of passing the 0700 docusate and life saving tylenol to bed 2? Yeah, no. meant what I said. A Nurse Manager hasn't ...
  3. Any way you could stay over and work a few hours

    At the very least, get me a Starbucks on your way to my house to let my dog out to pee. C'mon. Be a team player. /sarc This is why I could never be a nurse manager. I don't have it in me to know people are dead on their feet, ask them for even more....
  4. My first big med error

    Yes to all of this advice. You did something wrong. You caught it. You immediately acted, reported and quite clearly and most importantly, learned from it. This isn't a mistake worth ending a career over, especially since you are professional, respo...
  5. Any way you could stay over and work a few hours

    You cannot win this. Don't try. Turn off the phone if it's a call--and you don't want to work OT--or simply have a great canned excuse at the ready. When the nosy nellies start with the "I need to know everything about you" at a facility---I like dis...
  6. Um.....its hyperbole, not an actual event. Please. With the over the top emotion. I think you may want to save your outrage for something really scary, such as drunk drivers, high drivers or road rage. Geezus.
  7. "If you find yourself of the opinion that “yes”, RaDonda should be criminally prosecuted, keep in mind that this could be you!" This could apply to driving my car, then. I shouldn't prosecute the guy who is distracted texting and kills my kid. Becaus...
  8. $750 CA RN License??? No way!

    IKR. If Jabba had any reading comprehension, it would know that I am the biggest fan of NOT moving to CA, because of the burdensome taxes, fires, water problems....it's regurgitating some of my own posts from answering LiLPeanut about her liking her ...
  9. $750 CA RN License??? No way!

    Thank you. Just a few on this thread with some actual experience living and working in CA, as you and I have had. Gotta love armchair "experts" with QVC cred to chime in about how they know because....sitting in front of google. I can say....maybe......
  10. $750 CA RN License??? No way!

    And yes. I agree Jed, it's protectionism. Each state is now implementing more and more stringent requirements for nurses that are trained and licensed outside of their state. They want to train and keep the nurses that they have. California has an ed...
  11. $750 CA RN License??? No way!

    CALPERS is 1 trillion dollars in a hole for pensioners. SF just instituted a new tax....another one....on top of the city tax if you work there and the highest income taxes in the country. This has nothing to do with "discriminating against foreign...
  12. Already feel like giving up

    Yes, way too soon to give up. There simply may be more experienced nurses applying for the job. Unfortunately, in this business, internal applicants don't always get the job just because. If I, coming in with 20 years of ICU, apply to the job you, ...
  13. Hospitals paying for your stay?

    LOL...yeah....I didn't work FTE for anyone in the UC system, I was travel. I heard it all from the employees---and it wasn't in the SF area, but they had the SF "union contract". It was astonishing to me that every time I walked into any area where m...
  14. HIPAA and "Hallway Patients"

    Nurses are being bombarded left and right with rules and regulations that, if broken, can mean the end of a career and perhaps potential financial ruin. My questions are simple, as the trends are seemingly "from the top down", and blame/responsibilit...
  15. Hospitals paying for your stay?

    Keyword being "should". I've known a lot of nurses and other healthcare providers that are shocked...shocked I say...that they cannot make it in Fresno at $75/hr. Never thought about....oh....that CA state income tax is the highest in the country pra...
  16. Hospitals paying for your stay?

    Greenville is also a very expensive town to live in, remember that if you think it's such a cool thing. It's a college town with a huge teaching hospital. Try and look at the rentals there and see why they'd offer anything like this---and then rememb...
  17. Hospitals paying for your stay?

    Same here. I interviewed at a place in NC--flight was paid, nice nice hotel, and a car. NC and the Southern tier states seem to be famous for this "but you don't like snow. you should pay us in order to work here!" and it doesn't pass by me that the...
  18. My question is---if RV didn't do anything actionable, why did Vandy fire her? Why did the new hospital suspend her? Seems to me that Miss Well Liked is a liar too---she didn't reveal why she was fired from Vandy to her new employer. Perhaps she knew ...
  19. When Nurses Make Fatal Mistakes

    and here she hits the nail squarely on the head. "The difference is---one nurse recklessly (and in Vandy case, WILLFULLY) does not follow procedure---and the other makes a mistake despite doing so (follow policy/procedure) I'm not quite sure why peop...
  20. Insulting pay raise

    Yep. At a "state magnet hospital" I worked for, "some" of the bedside ED RNs got $0.23 raises one year---while "some others", in full view of the recipients of the whopping $0.23 raise---were handed "bonus checks" varying between $1200 and $1900. The...
  21. VA nursing salaries in Florida

    You can find the locality pay on the the OPM website here: https://www.va.gov/ohrm/pay/ You're asking a question that no one outside of the committee that decides your points can answer. "Years of experience" doesn't translate into pay grade without ...
  22. HIPAA violation and future employment opportunities

    Which is why I said, "so he claims". I didn't agree with it, because I knew the guy--and he was absolutely devastated. There were other factors in play, which had zippo to do with whether there was a "HIPAA" violation or not. The clinical instructor ...
  23. Nurses Call the Governor of Tennessee

    It also doesn't help when a "Nurse Manager" doesn't have experience at bedside---maybe a year or so---because they're too busy pounding out papers for grad school, making sure they're going to be a chief and not an indian. I love this type---not. T...
  24. Nurses Call the Governor of Tennessee

    Thank you for the clarification. I saw it and was just...astounded that this just keeps on happening. Where a hospital settles with plaintiffs---right or wrong---and nobody is the wiser. Does it all have to rise to such shocking heights of incompeten...
  25. Nurses Call the Governor of Tennessee

    {{{Wuzzie}}} no apologies necessary. You're one of the most experienced here---and I hope to God Almighty that if I ever get injured, you come pick me up in your flying machine. Hope you have a better one. ?