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About Jessica73

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  1. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Mcaselogic, how did you do oath already? Are you reserves?
  2. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    You might have to add a link, I don’t think I can find it, if it’s not public?
  3. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    I tried finding your group, is it public?
  4. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    They want to see leadership skills, have good recommendation letters highlighting your leadership skills. Volunteer work is a big thing as well.
  5. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    My recruiter is in Arlington, Trevino, he is awesome!
  6. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

  7. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    CeeMack, your recruiter will know.
  8. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    That’s what I thought last year, it was a huge setback for me. I promise it will go by quick, I was also non-select.. bases will be uploaded in about a week he said.
  9. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    If AF is what you want, wait until next year. It will go by fast. Keep your head up!
  10. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    SELECT here!!!! Congrats to everyone that has made it!!!! If you did not get selected, DO NOT give up! This was my second year applying!
  11. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Hopefully after lunch, has anyone else’s recruiter heard this??
  12. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Ok not trying to get everyone’s hopes up, my recruiter just received word that the results will drop today!!!
  13. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Ok ya’ll, I posted on the Air Force page on FB (very good info page) the census is that the results will be delayed and no one has any idea how long they will be delayed. Results could come out today or anytime this year. Some people were delayed mon...
  14. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Just got another update from my recruiter. He said if not tomorrow early next week!!!!! This is coming from the lead people during his training for the Nurse Corp this week. I hope and pray he’s right!
  15. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Here’s to hoping! ??