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All Content by Andreia13

  1. Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    Commenting to stay in the loop!
  2. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Sigh, just refreshed and the tottery tab finally appeared and it says I’m unselected. Good luck to the rest of you! And congrats to those who got in!
  3. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    No this is my third year, how about you?
  4. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Yes mine! Starting to wonder if that means bad news
  5. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    My eval status is also pending still. At this point I’m like did I get forgotten? LOL like did they not get to my application yet? I don’t know what to think anymore. I just want answers as this is my third year applying and recently got disqualified...
  6. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    What facebook group is it?
  7. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Mine still hasn’t changed either.
  8. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Hoping to find out sooner than later!
  9. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I also just received that email that I was disqualified for not entering my school email. Which I only noticed I didn’t put it when I was reviewing my application after I submitted it. I’m so upset because at the time I was filling it out I thought i...
  10. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Just submitted mine! Feeling a little anxious! Third time applicant here! ?
  11. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Mine says application status: complete and then evaluation status: pending. It says that the evaluation process is being done in alphabetical order so maybe people with last names in the beginning of the alphabet will have something different. Can an...
  12. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Hi! Mine too! Hoping this is our year!
  13. Fresno City College Fall 2021/ Spring 2022

    Hi you guys! Third year applying over here, hoping this is my year! I submitted my application yesterday but was wondering since I’m a reapplicant do I only need to send them the acknowledgment form and confirmation email? Since they already have all...
  14. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Hi! No my first year applying I was ineligible because one of my prerequisites weren’t equivalent. But my second time I was eligible. Just didn’t get in. So I’m hoping this year is my year!
  15. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Hey everyone! just submitted my application. This is my third year applying so fingers crossed. I just want to double check, if you've previously applied then you don't have to submit all the supporting documents again besides the confirmation email ...
  16. Merced College Fall 2020 Spring 2021 RN applicants

    I have not and am also wondering if anyone has.
  17. Merced College Fall 2020 Spring 2021 RN applicants

    I’m one of those who didn’t receive an acceptance email but reading your comment that you got in on your 4th try brings me hope. Happy to hear that you got in! This was my second year applying. Hoping third time is the charm next year?
  18. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    Good luck to those who haven’t received them and for the rest of us we gotta keep trying! Will be back next year!
  19. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    I just got the dreaded email as well ?
  20. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    I won’t be home till after 5! If you guys get your letters update us so I know if I need to be waiting anxiously today or not lol
  21. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    I applied to Fresno but was disqualified because my psychology class wasn’t equivalent ? going to apply to Modesto as well but my points are so low ?
  22. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    Hoping you get in! The only good thing about that change next year is the second lottery pool for 3rd and 4th year applicants. Not an automatic in but it’s a chance!
  23. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    Sometimes I hear people getting in on their first try! So hoping that’s us! Anyone applying or applied anywhere else?
  24. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    Yes it is! How about you? As soon as I hear good or bad news I’ll update everyone.
  25. Merced College Applicants Fall 2019 Spring 2020

    I’m hoping soon we will hear back. Accepted or not I just want to know! Checking my email every second of the day for a rejection email