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All Content by Jmander

  1. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    So guys I am a bit confused... I know that some of you got an email regarding what to read in preparation for the first day/week but I did not receive that email. Is there any other place we can find what to read before class?? I just don't want to g...
  2. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    I dont know about you guys but todays session's made me feel soooo much better about how everything is going to go during this program! Good luck to everyone!! :)
  3. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    I am not going to buy a rolling backpack (an unpopular opinion on this forum) but I cant imagine they want all of our books on us at all times. If so I will adjust but until then I am going to figure out how things work best for me. Additional quest...
  4. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Hey guys has anyone been able to find the correct handbook signature page?? I found a 2017-2018 summer but not 2018-2019 fall page like it specifies on CB.
  5. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Thanks everyone! :) Also what is everyone planning to bring on the first day of school?? I was planning on bring my computer, supplies, skills kit and the nursing fundamental book. I feel like they should have maybe gone over that during orientation ...
  6. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had the link for the CPR certification site?? Its the last thing I have on my To Do list! Cant believe that its almost August:)
  7. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    So I may be late to the party to ask this question but do we need a titer?? I have all of my vaccinations and everything up to date but did not know if we needed to get a titer regardless. Thanks guys! So excited to meet you all tomorrow :)
  8. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Update-- Mine only has the same person for my lecture, lab and clinical. Sound weird but I will ask them about it when I go in to get some stuff signed next week. It also is showing that there are 12 seats in my sections so I don't understand how we ...
  9. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    It only tells me one instructor on my list. Where are you seeing this? I might be looking at my schedule in a different format.
  10. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Who is all in the night program?? I cant wait to meet you guys and make a killer study group!
  11. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Mine still says incomplete on the last requirement of the fingerprint scan but at the bottom of the page under the other requirement section where you upload the drug test and background check documents it says approved!
  12. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    I got my first choice of the night program and clinical at Northside!! Super happy about that but I did read the rate my professor and the instructor I have assigned to me did not have the greatest rating..... I know to take those things with a grain...
  13. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Guys.... I just got done with my meeting at the health center and they made multiple mistakes on my application and they told me that I am no longer on the alternate list.... They offered me a seat for the Fall 2018!!!!!!!!! I am beaming with happine...
  14. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    thats awesome congrates!!! I made an appointment to go talk to them on monday because I have all of my courses completed and have a 3.75 GPA and have a much high alternate number... So i think there was a mistake made somewhere hahah I will be much h...
  15. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    What was your GPA if you dont mind me asking!
  16. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    What was your GPA if you dont mind me asking!
  17. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Does anyone know when the alternates will be notified or how that all works??
  18. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    I got an alternate spot and I'm hoping I get lucky! Congrates to everyone who got in! I hope to see you guys at orientation!!! :)
  19. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Congratulations everyone!! I have not gotten an email yet but I'm hoping I'm not far behind you guys!
  20. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    I was looking at last Falls post on this site and some of them did not get notified either way until the 2nd..... thats making me nervous!! So I can only assume that if we don't get an email by this afternoon that its not looking to good lolllll My a...
  21. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Maybe just a few times..... hahah The torture is almost over guys!!
  22. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    I picked up extra shifts this week because I wanted to keep busy but I still find myself checking my email multiple times a day!! UGHHH hahah I'm just ready to find out.
  23. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    I also have a question for any current SPC nursing students. Do you guys bring your books to class or do you just bring your laptops or whatever you choose to take notes with? I cant imagine carrying all of those heavy books around but I did not know...
  24. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Same here! I figured the time would go by fast but these last few weeks have gone SOO SLOW. I also had a chance to talk to the dean of nursing after the seminar and she said that number of applicants is typically what they get for every cycle and she...
  25. SPC Nursing Fall 2018

    Im just ready to know either way. When I found out how many applicants they had this cycle it made me very nervous! I have a program GPA of 3.75 with all A's in my sciences and have all of my credits done which brings me to a 67.5 out of 70 points so...