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All Content by Nurse_Kae

  1. OCCC Traditional Spring 2019

    I had already submitted my application. I had gotten the fee waiver so it had to be submitted within a certain time frame.
  2. OCCC Traditional Spring 2019

    Well everyone I took my TEAS today and got another 3 points (barely missed the 4th) so I have submitted my application with 16 points. I hope its enough.. fingers crossed.
  3. OCCC Traditional Spring 2019

    I take my TEAS today so wish me luck. Another thing... I didn't know that nutrition counted as a science for points or else I would have listed it. Will they review that or just go strictly off what I listed?or does anyone know
  4. OCCC Traditional Spring 2019

    If mines goes as planned I'll have 17... I take mines in the morning
  5. OCCC Traditional Spring 2019

    Will anyone be taking a&p1 satuday lecture and lab?
  6. OCCC Traditional Spring 2019

    I will be taking my teas on the 29th and if it goes as planned i also will have 16 points.
  7. OCCC BADNAP Spring 2019

    I am applying for the traditional pathway spring '19 and if it makes you feel better, I've already submitted my application as of today ☺️
  8. Graceland University Online FNP Opinions/Reviews

    I would like to follow this post as I am in a very similar situation with working and balancing single parenting of a 5 and 2 year old.
  9. Is there anyone on here in Oklahoma that has or is currently attending Graceland University? I am curious to know the processes for finding our own preceptor. Thanks in advance!