

Emergency medicine


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About TuxnadoDO

TuxnadoDO specializes in Emergency medicine.

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  1. NP Hates from Physicians?

    There are nurses that hate doctors and there are doctors that hate NPs, that’s a tiny minority that more serious people don’t care about or listen to. But being concerned with the current...
  2. HELP needed... Health Assessment

    Is this about learning to perform a physical exam? If so, do they not teach you, just give you notes? I’d like to provide some advice, I’m just trying to understand because this is...
  3. NP Hates from Physicians?

    I was going to comment here with a thoughtful response about the current climate and physician groups who oppose independent practice. I read your post about “hate on NPs,” and then read a whole...
  4. Delaying of abx

    I’m an ER doc. They are right. Stop worrying about it. This isn't a big deal. The fact that you worry so much over every little thing isn’t a bad sign necessarily. That’s what I did, when I...
  5. PMHNP Vs. Psychiatry MD

    If you want the most thorough education and the best possible preparation before independence for this very important job, go MD/DO. If that route seems too lengthy, or too difficult (in terms of...
  6. PMHNP Vs. Psychiatry MD

  7. Any ex Premeds?

    Those stats are good to keep in mind, once you have an acceptance to multiple schools and can then choose where you want to go. What’s the match rate for people who don’t go to medical school?...
  8. Any ex Premeds?

    my horrific DO program managed to prepare me well enough to score in the 99th percentile on USMLE step 1 and 2 (yes, I took them), ace my clinical years and practically have my pick of EM residencies...
  9. Any ex Premeds?

    You have a shot at DO but will need substantial extra-curriculars, volunteerism, etc. I had a similar GPA, above average MCAT, MS in bio, health related work/volunteer activities, leadership roles,...
  10. Training for new NP's

    I’m curious - since your education is in primary care and not a subspecialty of internal medicine, how would working in a subspecialty be easier or less overwhelming? Wouldn’t it be less...
  11. Rude doctors

    As a female ER physician, I would much prefer if a nurse pulled me aside when it wasn't busy and calmly/politely told me how my behavior made her feel. Communicate with her before resorting to tactics...
  12. Medical schools now adding "fluff"

    lol, look up 10 med school curriculums and you’ll see how much “fluff” is
  13. Medical schools now adding "fluff"

    med schools include education on cultural awareness, ethics, etc. It’s on our boards. As curriculums evolve with the times it would not be unusual to see “social justice,” which is really a...
  14. Return to the bedside

    Practicing medicine is an arduous, humbling, difficult career. As an FNP you are trained for an FNP position, not an acute care position. As others have pointed out, RN is a different job. While there...
  15. Full Practice Authority

    Agreed. So much respect for you, btw. Your experience obviously informs your perspectives and I’m glad your voice is