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All Content by kka081216

  1. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I agree. We'll probably hear on the 3rd. If it's sometime earlier in the week, then it will be a pleasant surprise! I'm working a crazy schedule at the hospital right now because of Covid 19 and I really hope that will help the week go by faster!
  2. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Nope. Hopefully we'll hear by Friday.
  3. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    6pm... I think we're out of luck tonight. Should be next week y'all! ?????? We can make it!
  4. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    My friend who works there told me it would likely be the beginning of April, so I'm expecting the end of next week as well.
  5. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    It'll be sent to the email you used for NursingCas.
  6. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Did anyone else refresh your inbox waaaayyyyy to often today? ??
  7. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    In past years, they are all sent out at the same time.
  8. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I would love to be all surprised one day, instead of obsessing over it the day it's expected. I unexpectedly have 5 days off work before going back for 12s in the ER (not my normal department, but Covid doesn't care about that LOL). I have a feeling...
  9. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I also have a friend in that department and they said it should be the first week of April. Which would be the week of 3/30-4/3, so fairly in line with previous years. My money is on 4/3, but I've got everything crossed it will be 3/27! If I hear a...
  10. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I was repeatedly told by my advisor that it was going to be the end of March/beginning April. With everything going on, I fully expect it to be the first week of April.
  11. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    What is your score?
  12. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I'm applying for the Dallas N&W program. I have a 47.20 score. My only nursing core Bs were A&P I & II. Everything else was an A. (So my nursing core GPA is 3.68) TEAS composite is 88.7%. (Reading - 91.5. Math - 96.9. Science - 80.9. Engl...
  13. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I agree! It's gone by way faster than I thought it would.
  14. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I felt the same way! She was very helpful when I met with her.
  15. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I know Leah is no longer there and I was told someone a bit higher up left or moved department recently as well, although I don't remember his name.
  16. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I just went back to their message board and looked. They got their emails on 3/29 at 6pm. Definitely not May. That said, I know they lost an advisor a couple weeks ago and someone else involved in this process also left, so I'm not expecting anythin...
  17. TWU Nursing Applicants - Fall 2019

    Hey everyone! I just applied for fall 2020 and got my eligibility email. Does anyone know the stats for what they accepted for your year? Specifically the night and weekend program? An advisor told me that 43pt was the average threshold the last few...
  18. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I got my eligibility email today. My last name starts with a B. Now the long wait begins.
  19. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    What does your last night start with?
  20. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I was told my an advisor that they don't look at that at all. It's only on NursingCAS because other schools use it for their programs. TWU looks strictly at scores.
  21. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Sure am! Whether I'm doing it patiently is a whole other matter. ?
  22. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Wow! That's an awesome score for N&W. Do you have a bachelors or TWU preference?
  23. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I'm applying as a transfer to the Dallas night and weekend program with 47.20 points.
  24. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    It's towards the bottom of this page. https://twu.edu/nursing/undergraduate-programs/bs-with-major-in-nursing-weekend-evening-program/
  25. TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    My switched to verified yesterday, Wednesday. I submitted on Saturday. NursingCas emailed me to let me know. I'm assuming that means I'm not missing any documents and that I'm not just in the waiting game.