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  1. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Hi maybeamrs That's true it is 20 last semester I was an alternate and there were 20 of us :-). Sending positive energy your way. A lot of alternates got in last semester
  2. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Hi All, I'm in too and I def think it's a typo because mine says LPN too !! It has to be a mistake. I sent an email as well.
  3. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Hi jcar18 I don't mind at all last semester I had an overall score of 155 and this time my overall is 176. The first time I was taking anatomy 2 and some other classes so I couldn't study as effectively as I should have.
  4. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Hi Jtinney, Yes, all applicants receive an email whether you're accepted,alternate or denied. Last semester I was an alternate. Hopefully we hear something today or tomorrow! :-)
  5. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Still no email .. I keep checking last semester we got the email in 2 weeks which would have been yesterday
  6. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    I keep doing the same thing :-) hopefully it's today
  7. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Hi All, I just checked our scores are posted on my IRSC.
  8. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Really? They're no longer counting micro?When I took the test in May they calculated both anatomy I and micro
  9. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Hi, The way you calculate your points for prerequisite : 4 points per credit if you got an A in Anatomy and Physiology lecture and lab and the same for Mirco lecture and lab. 3 points for a B 2 points for a C etc... So if you got A's in Anatomy lect...
  10. IRSC RN Spring 2019 Applicants

    Hi Jtinney, Congrats on such a great score.What did you use to study?
  11. IRSC RN Fall 2018 Applicants !

    I got accepted as an "alternate "I don't even know if I should feel happy or not lol because there's still no guarantee:-( Congrats to all who got accepted :-)
  12. IRSC RN Fall 2018 Applicants !

    I got accepted as an "alternate "I don't even know if I should feel happy or not lol because there's still no guarantee:-( Congrats to all who got accepted :-)
  13. IRSC RN Fall 2018 Applicants !

    Thanks for the response! I plan on giving myself some more time the next go around . I was only able to study for about 10 days so I figure next time I'll hit it hard and hopefully get a higher score! I ran out of time on the verbal which sucked !! B...
  14. IRSC RN Fall 2018 Applicants !

    I was curious to know what did you do differently the second time to score higher on the NLN
  15. IRSC RN Fall 2018 Applicants !

    Hi, I was hoping to see a thread. Congrats on such a great score. I actually have a 155 total score :-( I was hoping to do better. I'm pretty sure you'll get in with such a high score.