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About Klynn1121

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  1. OHSU BSN Fall 2018

    Winter. I was hoping for fall but i figured it'd probably be winter. There were probably people who didnt want to wait to start. But its fine, im not complaining. Gives me more time to get all my ducks in a row! Have you heard anything?
  2. OHSU BSN Fall 2018

    Yes! Im in!
  3. MHCC/PCC Fall 2018/Winter 2019

    It just said I was chosen as an alternate and that Im #1 on the list and also to email them back with acceptance if the alternate offer.
  4. MHCC/PCC Fall 2018/Winter 2019

    Im talking about MHCC. They send your number in the email
  5. MHCC/PCC Fall 2018/Winter 2019

    I have accepted, I'm waiting to be called from the alternate list.
  6. MHCC/PCC Fall 2018/Winter 2019

    I'm alternate #1! So I'm extremely hopeful but at the same time very anxious. ..
  7. MHCC/PCC Fall 2018/Winter 2019

    Has anyone heard of any movement in the MHCC alternate list yet? I feel like a crazy person constantly checking my email! I know its early and some people are still waiting on admissions decisions from other schools before making their final decision...
  8. OHSU BSN Fall 2018

    I hope they do too! Ill keep you posted.. good luck!
  9. OHSU BSN Fall 2018

    The email went to my junk! Yikes! Alternate # 1. I'm very optimistic being alternate 1. I'm assuming they go down the line calling alternates as people decline spots. At least I hope that's what they do..
  10. OHSU BSN Fall 2018

    Rosey, You already heard from MHCC?