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  1. Samuel Merritt Fall 2018 ABSN Program

    Any updates on waitlist for San Mateo? Class stsrts 11/13.
  2. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    What's the SMURF User Name and Password? I created my SMU Total Access, and SMU Portal Account. I tried same login, but did not work.
  3. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    Got the initial notice Feb 5th.
  4. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    What # are you? Goodluck to all of us!!! I already talked to my employer about my plan so they can start recruiting for my replacement (just in case I get in) lol
  5. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    We're you #13 since the initial notice? Getting anxious ;(
  6. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    We're you on a waitlist for the June cohort? How did SMU notify you? I only got an official email with from SMU, then just regular email from Derric that I moved.
  7. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    Did you get in? I am on waitlist for June in San Mateo.
  8. Samuel Merritt BSN Spring 2018

    Did you get in?
  9. Samuel Merritt BSN Spring 2018

    For those who were waitlisted, and working, when did you notify your work about your plan to resign work? I am waitlisted and struggling when to tell my boss;( The program starts in June 2018. Any advice?
  10. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    Which campus and your waitlist number?
  11. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    Did you hear back? I am waitlisted in San Mateo for the Summer cohort in June.
  12. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2018

    Did you get in? I am #1 now.
  13. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2018

    Did you get in?
  14. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    I got waitlist notification in Feb1st. No update yet ;(
  15. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    Hi, Same here. Got notified on Feb 1, 2018. Have you heard back?
  16. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Summer 2018

    Hi all, Still on waitlist for the Summer ABSN cohort. Anyone else on a waitlist?