
jcsluvv BSN, RN

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All Content by jcsluvv

  1. Didn't Get In To Nursing School?

    I know that they gave priority to students with prior degrees so I know several people that got in with lower grades, lower TEAS scores and no work experience but they had those extra points for a prior degree. I'm planning on reapplying in August to...
  2. Didn't Get In To Nursing School?

    Thank you for your responses! I don't have any withdrawals or pass/no pass classes and my lowest grade in any class was a B+. I just passed a background check for a job I applied to and it was completely clean, I've never even had a parking ticket. T...
  3. Didn't Get In To Nursing School?

    I applied to the three schools that were open for this application period. More open up in the fall that I plan to apply to. Unfortunately, I tried to contact the three schools regarding my application and what I did or didn't get credit for and what...
  4. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I know it's really disappointing and i was honestly pretty devastated when I got the email because I didn't get in to any other schools this round, but I'm just going to reapply this fall and see what happens. The way that they have handled this has ...
  5. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Yeah, I got the same email. I'm super confused too.
  6. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I like the ADN because I can get my license in two years and start working while I finish my BSN through a hybrid program. But if I had the option to do the BSN in the same amount of time and have a better chance of getting hired, I don't know? The a...
  7. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Have you guys gotten accepted anywhere else or are you still waiting to hear back?
  8. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Right there with you. I expected a well-known nursing program such as Grossmont to behave more professionally.
  9. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Here's to hoping today is the day
  10. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I really thought we would hear something today. Another weekend of waiting
  11. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Not yet
  12. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Wait you have a 4.0 and an AS and you still got waitlisted from SDSU??? That's ridiculous! I'm so sorry. You've worked your butt off and you're gonna get in. Don't give up! It's just a matter of when, not if.
  13. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    No, I totally get it. I think it's great that people with higher degrees are pursuing their passion. But a degree in history doesn't necessarily make up for a lower GPA or TEAS in my opinion. I don't think all schools do it like that, though. Just th...
  14. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I'm really confused, too. I applied with a 3.9 (I have one B) and a 94% on the TEAS. Plus volunteer experience, 4 life experience points and a transcripts for a language. I'm wondering if maybe they didn't accept my English because it was from a diff...
  15. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Did you get a response? They don't seem to be very forthcoming with information. I'm thinking either 1. people are miscalculating their points, 2. they're not giving us as many points as we're thinking we have (they're picky about volunteer time, lif...
  16. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I'm in the same boat! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us :)
  17. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I haven't heard anything either. I was really hoping that the second round would go out this week. Although maybe it already has? I wish they would tell us what's going on
  18. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Of course! Let me know if you hear anything :)
  19. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I think you can retake one science class, but I believe you need approval from a counselor. They sometimes offer A&P 1 over the summer so you could potentially retake it this summer and then reapply in July/August for the spring semester. Even if...
  20. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I wouldn't get too upset yet. I have heard of people getting in with 74 points before. And if you don't, you can reapply in the fall because there are usually fewer applicants so it's less competitive. You could try retaking one of your A&P class...
  21. MiraCosta Palomar Grossmont Fall 2018 ADN

    Okay, so it's not just me haha
  22. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    If you don't mind me asking, how many points did you have on your application overall?
  23. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Yes, they are :) but like I said, the Practice B is harder and more well-rounded so if you have to pick one, that's the best one to go with.
  24. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    Also, I know the practice exams are expensive so if you can only afford one, get Practice B. It's harder than version A, but it lets you take it twice. I found the actual TEAS easier than the Practice B.
  25. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    I scored a 94% on the TEAS and I used a couple different methods. The practice exams on the ATI website were incredibly helpful. They told me exactly what I was doing wrong and how to fix it. I didn't buy the ATI book, I used the Mometrix one. It was...