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About Prettiij86

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  1. College of the Mainland Spring 2019 ADN

    COM doesn't require the hesi. I would definitely look into applying there, but you have to hurry. January's class has an app deadline of Sept 5.
  2. This will be my second time applying, but I have always followed the threads from previous classes. I couldn't believe no one created a thread for the Sept 5 applicants so I'm making one in hopes that we can keep each other posted on the results and ...
  3. College of the Mainland ADN Fall 2018

    I didn't make it either. I had a 387. A in micro and Bs for everything else with a bachelors. I went to see the advisor this morning and she said she wasn't allowed to give the lowest accepted score. I'm retaking eng and psy online and A&P1 this ...
  4. College of the Mainland ADN Fall 2018

    60 and 10 alternates
  5. College of the Mainland ADN Fall 2018

    Keep in mind that spring 18 semesters deadline was aug 15 and Harvey hit 2 days after. Supposedly that pushed everything back because no one was in the office. Also, this will be the first time they use the electronic ranking system with no testing s...
  6. College of the Mainland ADN Fall 2018

    I'm so excited someone created a thread!!! I've been reading past threads comparing my score (no tsi) to those in previous semesters in the low 800 and praying that my advisor didn't make a mistake when he said I didn't need it! Reading the past thre...