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About rapids123

rapids123 has 1 years experience.

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  1. National University FNP Program

    Hi, I am thinking about applying to National University's MSN FNP program. I was wondering if anyone is currently in the program and would recommend applying for it or not. Thanks!
  2. Purdue Global Exceltrack??!

    Hi, I am thinking about applying to this program (FNP Exceltrack). Any inputs on this program? Do they teach you good material to help you pass boards and practice as FNP ? I am planning on getting this program done as fast as I can. Do they find you...
  3. Dumb Newbie

    Hi! So I just recently got into the Accelerated BSN Program at Marian University. I majored in Human Biology as an undergrad. I want to become a DNP but not sure how to. I want to apply to schools right after I am done with the ABSN program so I dont...