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About mma97

mma97 has 1 years experience.

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  1. UNG BSN Nursing Spring 2019

    I got in as well for Gainesville campus! Congratulations everyone!!
  2. UNG BSN Nursing Spring 2019

    I applied to the Gainesville campus with a 3.5 and a 91 on the hesi!
  3. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    It's ok! Everything happens for a season.i just need to be patient and wait for the letter:) good luck to you!
  4. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    I can't attend main campus either so I was definitely bummed to see the change. My status did change today to decision made so hopefully I will get the letter in a few days!
  5. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    My campus changed from Athens to main today. But still says under review. So I guess I have no chance for Athens
  6. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    I definitely should have applied earlier:/ hopefully we will hear soon
  7. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    Does anyone else's status say ready for review? I'm starting to think I'm the only one who hasn't heard anything:(
  8. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    Same here lol. I applied the day before it was dueí ½í¹„
  9. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    My campus used to say main and it was changed to Athens. I hope it means that they are considering me for that campus (since it is my first choice). Although I'm not sure because it still says ready for review. I'm starting to get worried. Congrats t...
  10. UNG BSN Nursing Fall 2018

    I sent an email! I'll let you know
  11. UNG BSN Nursing Fall 2018

    So is it possible they made a mistake on more than one of us? Because I got the same wrong letter the first time too and and they sent another one saying that they set out the wrong email and they did have everything but that I was still denied... I'...
  12. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    Hopefully it's a good thing for us meaning there are still a lot of spots available! Good luck!
  13. Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

    For everyone who has gotten in: when you checked your application status did it have a campus specified under the campus part? I'm trying to figure out if they just put everyone's first choice as the campus or if it means I got in to that campus. Tha...
  14. UNG BSN Nursing Fall 2018

    I was denied as well. 3.5 GPA and 89 on the hesi