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All Content by forevernursem

  1. Advancement in nursing career

    Definitely look into RN to BSN degrees! BSN nurses have more job opportunities than the ADN nurses. After getting a BSN, you could further your education with a masters. There are TONS of stuff you could do with a masters: NP, teaching, CRNA, literal...
  2. Nursing program

    BSN degrees are more expensive, but you have more job opportunities with them. ADN degrees cost less to get, but you would have to go back to school for your BSN. You could do the ADN route, then work as a nurse while getting your BSN degree online....
  3. School choice dilemma

    Hello! I personally would not go for an LPN if your goal is a BSN. Like you said, it would take longer to get your BSN, and will ultimately cost you more money. Maybe you could finish your prerequisites part time, and work full time to save up money ...
  4. What steps should I take?

    Nursing school is VERY competitive and a 2.5 GPA won't cut it to make it into a nursing program. Nursing programs don't look at all of the classes you took, only the nursing prerequisites, and those vary school to school. But, if you're only going to...
  5. The infamous question, LPN or RN?

    If you want to be an RN, then don't waste your time and money becoming an LPN first. Go straight and get your ADN or BSN.
  6. Nursing program

    My school doesn't recommend it, but a lot of people work part time. Its hard, but doable. Must manage your time.
  7. Nursing school

    In my program, when someone retakes a class, it lessens their chance of being accepted. So, if someone retook A&P three times, it would be impossible to get accepted. I don't know how your school accepts people, but I don't think applying three t...
  8. Not sure nursing is for me??

    If you don't have passion for it, then why waste your time? Save that seat in the program for someone who is actually passionate about it.
  9. So sorry this happened to you! I'm guessing you weren't accepted because they reduced the seats at the school, and your GPA wasn't high enough to be accepted? If that is the case, then retake the classes you didn't do so well in. C's and B's are not ...
  10. Back to school but low confidence?

    Hello! When getting accepted into a nursing program, the school doesn't look at high school GPA. Each nursing program has different admission standards, and each look at different things when seeing if someone is accepted into the program or not. Thi...
  11. BSN vs ADN + Bachelors

    Definitely begin to look for RN to BSN programs. I'm in an ADN program now, and after I graduate I'm attending a university to get my BSN. Hospitals will hire ADNs, but, you would have to get your BSN within a certain amount of time (here in Michigan...
  12. Nursing VS Respiratory Care

    Which one are you most interested in? RT or Nursing? If you get your ADN, you will be able find a job in the hospital, but would have to get your BSN within a certain amount of years (here in Michigan its about 3 years). There are also a lot of inexp...
  13. How do you juggle nursing school and living by yourself?

    I'm in nursing school right now. A typical week for me is 3 days of lecture and lab, and 2 days of clinicals at the hospital. My school doesn't recommend working. I wanna say about 85% of the students in my class don't work, and the ones that do work...
  14. If you apply for a BSN program and finish that program successfully, then you would be a RN, BSN after passing the NCLEX. Community college ADN programs are cheaper compared to getting a BSN at a university or private college. If the private universi...
  15. Want to go into Nursing.. Scared, Nervous...

    Hi! If nursing is what you're passionate about then I think you should give it a go! Finish those last 2 prerequisites, apply and see what happens :) Best of luck.
  16. Nursing School Admission

    All schools have different requirements on how they accept people. So, you would have to talk to a counselor or nursing program representative at your school to see what they look at when they accept people. Good luck, I hope you make it in.
  17. Physical for Nursing School?!

    Yes they took my blood and checked my urine. They did all of the normal stuff like height, weight, reflexes, asked me a bunch of questions about my health. Also you get updated on vaccines and the flu shot. My Doctor had to fill out a paper provided ...
  18. First semester nursing school

    I just finished Pharm and LOVED it. I'm really good at science, but I was nervous about starting nursing school because I heard horror stories. Honestly, it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Ended up getting over 100% in the class. ...
  19. Pre-nursing

    Nursing School is very expensive; one cheaper option would be getting your ADN at a community college, then doing an RN to BSN program at a university. Also, to answer about your age, nursing is a lot of long hours on your feet, and it's physically h...
  20. Schooling Decisions

    Hello! I'm in an ADN program right now. You sound just like me because I want to get my BSN, then go for my MSN or DNP. I'm in Michigan, one thing to keep in mind here is that hospitals hire ADNs, but have to get your BSN within a certain amount of t...
  21. What does the "ADN GPA" consist of

    Hi! I'm in an ADN program right now and my GPA consists of all of my prerequisites and the nursing program courses. When I graduate with my ADN and transfer to the university, my GPA will start over and only consist of the courses I take for my BSN. ...
  22. I'm in a nursing program right now and I have NO job or medical experience. I'm doing just fine and been getting 100s on everything so far. Don't worry too much, you will be okay!
  23. Physical for Nursing School?!

    Hi Michelle! The physical I had to do for my nursing program was just the annual physical at the doctors office.
  24. A and P II advice?

    For me A&P 2 wasn't any harder than A&P 1. You did good in A&P 1, so I'm sure you will do just as good in 2, if you put in the same amount of effort. Best of luck.
  25. ADN vs. BSN (degrees in different fields)

    Hi, I'm doing an ADN program in Michigan, and the hospitals here still hire ADNs, but you have to get your BSN degree in a 3 year period (sometimes more, sometimes less). You could always do an RN to BSN bridge program which are usually a lot cheaper...