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All Content by forevernursem

  1. GPA 3.4

    People in my nursing program got accepted with a GPA way lower than a 3.4. It just depends on the school and how many people are applying that year. The cut off GPA varies year from year, so I would apply and see what happens. But, don't limit your o...
  2. Help! I am trying to decide on which program to choose!

    The RN program!
  3. When to actually start nursing classes?

    I would take the science prereqs before you start your program. They're time consuming and require a lot of studying, plus the information you learn in them will help you in your nursing classes.
  4. Anatomy Or Physiology?

    I would take them together in the same semester.
  5. At my school we couldn't take intro bio and micro together because intro had to be taken first. But, if you can take them together I would. The info in both of the classes will correlate.
  6. Help??

    Hello! I can't answer your first question because I don't have any children. Nursing is a full time job, and the students in my class that have children do struggle a little bit more than the students who don't. It's not impossible to be a full time ...
  7. Should I retake the HESI?

    If the HESI exam is what helps determined if you're going to be accepted into a nursing program or not, I would retake it. 85% is an average grade, but isn't competitive enough for nursing. Best of luck
  8. Advice and honest thoughts about Nursing school needed.

    This makes me really sad because it seems like after you were told you wouldn't be successful as a nurse, you started to doubt yourself. If nursing is your calling, then go for it! Don't let people ruin this dream of yours. With time, you will become...
  9. RN OR LPN ??help!!

    If your goal is a FNP, then I wouldn't waste your time getting your LPN degree, I would go straight for the RN. Just like what the others said, if you're not accepted into an RN program yet, then go for the LPN degree, but it will take longer to get...
  10. How difficult is nursing school?

    This is a very subjective question and every person you ask will give you a different answer. It really just depends on what type of student you are, how well you study, how you do in your prereq classes, how much time can you put into school, motiva...
  11. Difference between programs

    An RN is someone with either an ADN or BSN degree. ADN nurses are paid the same as BSN nurses, and both do the same job. BSN degree nurses have more opportunities. A lot of hospitals prefer to hire BSN nurses over ADN nurses, so you would have to do...
  12. Excited but nervous... help

    Congrats on getting accepted! It's normal to be nervous. I wouldn't study anything before school starts, I would just relax. Once your program starts you're going to be BUSY and wish you had a break lol! Before I started nursing school I taught myse...
  13. Nursing or MD??

    Nursing and medicine are both very different careers. I would do a TON of research before you make a decision. If you decide that your heart is with medicine, I would go in that direction, even if it's a few extra years. Also, to become an NP you wou...
  14. Buying previously used books

    I used to buy all of my books new, but within the last few semesters I've been buying used books on eBay or Amazon, and I've been saving 100s of dollars. I think it's a great idea.
  15. Macbook Air or Macbook Pro for Nursing School?

    I have the Mac Air and love it :)
  16. Dismissal from nursing school without failing any course

    Everything you listed that you had done is considered unprofessional behavior, and no nursing school would have put up with it. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I don't think pulling the race card is appropriate in this case. Best of luck.
  17. Pre A-BSN Question

    I don't think shadowing a NP is necessary. My school didn't look at any of these things when accepting people into the program. My school only looked at nursing prerequisites GPA, HESI, and if you transferred credits or retook any classes then it wa...
  18. GPA

    With a 2.5 GPA it's impossible to make it in. You would want AT LEAST a 3.5 GPA on your nursing prerequisites in order to be accepted. Some schools don't look at your full GPA, and only look at your nursing prerequisites GPA. At my school, on the HE...
  19. Pharmacology

    Why did you fail? My teacher provided power-points and outlines, so I would study those everyday (each day about 3-4 hours of studying). Flashcards work as well to help you remember the drugs action, therapeutic effect, side effects, and interaction...
  20. Where Should I start?

    My answer is: Nothing! Relax and enjoy your time off before school starts. Once it starts you're going to be so busy.
  21. Hello Lauren! This is a tuff situation, because there really isn't a way to skip steps on becoming a nurse. The first step you have to take would be doing your prerequisites. Since you already have a bachelors I'm guessing you finished most of your g...
  22. How many hours a week do you spend on school?

    Hello! I'm in class/lab 9 hours per week (3 days per week, each 3 hour classes/lab), and 2 days at the hospital (8 hours per day, so 16 hours per week). I'm at school or the hospital Monday-Friday. Everyday I study about 3-4 hours, and Sunday is usua...
  23. RN vs. BSN vs. Other

    I agree with the pervious post. One thing is that ADNs are still being hired by hospitals and literally everywhere that hire nurses. But, you would have to get your BSN within a certain amount of time. Your nursing prerequisites GPA is amazing, so I ...
  24. ADN? BSN? ABSN?

    Hello! First I would like to say, after finishing your prerequisites for nursing school and applying for a nursing program, most programs don't look at your full GPA. Colleges look at different things when getting accepted. For example, some ONLY loo...
  25. Lost Pre-Med Student: CRNA or AA?

    Look into ABSN programs. One good thing about nursing is that they're SO many opportunities. Even after becoming a nurse, you might find that a CRNA is not what interests you anymore, and may go into a different nursing direction. It's your life, and...