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All Content by forevernursem

  1. Grades in ADN class

    At the program I am in we have to get an 80% or higher to pass the course.
  2. How to manage EVERYTHING

    What I find helpful is keeping a planner. On each day, write what homework you have to get done, due dates, and how long to study for. Also, add your work from your personal life, such as your kids events and all of this kind of stuff. Then after com...
  3. Take statistics in RN program or wait?

    I would take stats along with your nursing classes. You just need to make sure that you have plenty of time to study for all of your classes. If you wait to take stats, you may not remember all of your previous math skills you learned, and then be fo...
  4. Failed nursing school at last sem

    Usually if you fail a nursing course, another program won't take you in and let you continue where you left off. You will get credit for your prereqs and all of your general education classes, but you will have to apply to other programs and start th...
  5. RN to BSN?

    No, you don't need to be a RN before BSN. For nursing there are two routes: ADN nurses or BSN nurses. ADN are associate degree nurses, this is usually obtained through a community college. This route is cheaper. Most ADN nurses now have to get there ...
  6. High school diploma

    You will need proof of high school graduation or a GED to apply for a nursing program. But, you can take non-nursing courses, like prereqs (math, bio, English) without having a GED or diploma.
  7. How long does it take to complete a BSN?

    I've been going full time since I graduated high school and it will take me 5 years for a BSN. It took me 2 years for the prereqs (12-13 credits per semester), and I took one class during the summer. But, the school where I'm getting my nursing degre...
  8. Am I Too Old to Go to School?

    It's not too late for you! There are students in my nursing classes who are way older than 40. This Fall start doing your nursing prereqs at a local community college, because those will take you 1-2 years depending on how many classes per semester y...
  9. Please Help Me!....I Need Study Materials/Review for HESI A2 Exam

    Hello, I bought the Hesi book from my school store. The book was extremely helpful with the math section. At my school we only needed to take the math and reading portion of the test. For the reading section, I literally just searched on google "Hesi...
  10. Watches for Nursing Students

    Does your school allow you to wear an Apple Watch? Because in my nursing program we have to wear a watch with a second hand for when we check pulses. I would buy a cheap $10-$20 watch, so if something happens to it or gets dirty you won't have to wor...
  11. Nursing School Essentials

    Highlighters and gel pens are my favorite things!! I also use A LOT of flashcards. Colorful small tabs or small sticky notes to mark important pages in the textbook are super helpful :)
  12. Pregnant & in college?

    I don't know how stressed out you get, but I feel if you have enough time to put towards your classes, then it will reduce your stress level and you'll be fine. If you have a busy schedule and can't focus on school, then maybe taking these classes at...
  13. ADN Program in California

    Hello, If you could get accepted into an ADN program this year I would definitely go that route instead of waiting a whole year to get into an ABSN program. Then, after you graduate you can go full time RN to BSN (which is about 12 months). These pro...
  14. please give me advice!

    If your goal is to become a RN, then don't do the LPN route. It will be more money in the long run because you will have to pay for LPN school, then RN school. Also, it will take much more time. If you can't wait another year, then start applying to...
  15. Chances and Advice on getting in?!

    It really just depends on what classes the school looks at when accepting students for nursing. Do they look at overall GPA or just the nursing prereqs? If the school looks at the overall GPA, then definitely retake some classes because 3.4 overall i...
  16. High School Classes

    Hello, In high school I took A&P my junior year and also my senior year. I noticed the college level A&P were in way more detail and different then how my high school taught it. So taking A&P didn't help me. I also took med term and it he...
  17. A&P 1 and Intro to Chem?

    It's definitely doable. Just put in the time and study everyday, you'll be fine. I took A&P along with 3 other classes and got A's in all of them. Just gotta manage your time wisely and study everyday. Best of luck :)
  18. How to know if nursing is the career for me?

    I would volunteer at a local hospital or job shadow a nurse so you can see what they do on the job. Also, I recommend watching youtube videos of nursing students like the "day in my life" videos. Sometimes its helpful to see what nursing students go ...
  19. Binder questions

    I love 1.5 inch binders! How many binders depends on how many classes you're taking. Maybe one for each class? :)
  20. Hello. For me, my ADN program will take me all together 4 years. I started college as soon as I graduated high school and went full time (12-13 credit hours a semester plus one summer class). I took both my ADN prereqs and my future BSN prereqs, so ...
  21. Even if you end up getting a 2.75 GPA doesn't mean you will get accepted. All schools have a cut off GPA, but depending on how many people apply and what their GPAs are, that's what is going to determine your acceptance. If I were you, I would retak...
  22. Where are you within nursing school and commute...

    I start my first official semester of nursing school this Fall! I took Pharm a semester early, so this Fall I will be starting Foundations! :) I'm really lucky because my school is only 5 minutes away from my house. But, our clinical sites can end up...
  23. Nursing School Clinical Hours???

    The clinicals at my school are 8 hours a day 2 days per week. This varies with each program. This semester I go Thursdays and Fridays 7-3pm.
  24. Retake any prerequisites?

    Hello! I would definitely retake the biology class. First off, I don't think colleges even accept science classes from that long ago. For example, the college I'm at only accepts science credits taken within the last 5 years. Also, retaking the biolo...
  25. Starting Over From Scratch

    If you do good on your nursing prereqs, then it's a good chance of you getting in. Most nursing programs don't look at your full GPA, but just your nursing prereqs GPA (which varies school to school). Nursing is very competitive so you would want to ...