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  1. If it's not ranked, how do they decide who to offer open spots to first?
  2. Or maybe they're sick of people calling?
  3. That's the number I called as well and I told that I had heard that they had made their decisions, so she transferred me and I got told my decision. (if you call again, can you ask how many people are on the waitlist?)
  4. I don't think they care if you do fafsa or not, they just care that they get paid.
  5. I figure they have a yes or no date for all accepted applicants, which i assume will be in July, and then they'll start on the waitlist from there. I have no idea how they rank the waitlist though!
  6. Waitlisted here too! She told me that some years pretty much everyone on the waitlist ends up in the program, but other times they barely take anyone. It jsut depends on how many accepted people decide to attend. She said they'll be sending a letter ...
  7. I'm currently taking UR's online nutrition course (just started!), but otherwise I have all the other pre-reqs done. I did most of them through the online UR course thing.
  8. I spoke with the secretary at the SON admissions office. She put me on hold to ask the admissions counselor the details, then came back and told me june 14th. She's also who I spoke with last week when I called, but last week she said this week. In a...
  9. What the heck? Why are all of these answers different?
  10. So I just called to see if they would tell me if I was accepted or not, and the person I spoke to said the committee hasn't met yet, and that doesn't happen until June 14th. So she said they haven't made final decisions yet. We keep getting conflicti...
  11. @futurenursingstudent96, Did you ask them if they could tell you your status over the phone? Exciting and nerve wracking though that they've made their decisions (finally!!)
  12. I just called the admissions office and they said they won't be making any decisions until the end of next week!
  13. Yeah, I've heard 3rd semester is the hardest. I know of at least 1 student who was supposed to finish in May, but failed 3rd semester and had to retake it, and I know that about halfway through 3rd semester, there were around 16 people failing med-su...
  14. I feel like this waiting is never ending!
  15. I know someone who started September of last year, and they didn't end up hearing until mid June. I hope we don't have to wait that long!
  16. I have no idea how many applicants they interview. I assume they don't interview anyone who's not an option at all (like doesn't have a bachelor's degree, any pre-reqs, and whatnot), but otherwise I don't know. My interviewer seemed to not know much ...
  17. From what I understand based on the UR website and from previous threads, I don't think any of us will hear until somewhere between mid May and mid June. A friend of mine who's in the program now didn't hear until late June last year. I imagine it de...
  18. My interviewer asked me why nursing, why UR, if I'm planning to work while in the program, and a couple other questions that I can't remember now. She explained the way the program worked and asked if I had any questions. The interviews are a half ho...
  19. I've looked at some of the older message boards and it looks like people were still hearing back months after they applied. I'm assuming it depends on how many applicants they have and how long it takes to look through them. I had my application and ...
  20. I asked how many applicants, but my interviewer didn't know. And from what I've seen on the website and previous threads, they should be letting people know mid may through mid june. My interviewer said it's rolling admission and I would know in the ...
  21. Updated: I've just had my interview for the program. Anyone else?