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About sweet31eve

Been a nurse since 1997. (In the OR since '99) Because I took the advice to do two years Med/Surg.

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  1. help! Are surgical techs and RNs the same??

    I agree with Corvette guy. I mean, I went to my supervisor and nothing has been done. It may not be my job to point out what his job description is, but I rather have him feel a little bent out of...
  2. Padding devices to prevent skin breakdown

    We are researching this as well. After looking further into it, we have opted to give ConMed AirSoft positioning devices a try. I attended the inservice that Conmed hosted at AORN Congress in New...
  3. OR shifts

    Well, I work for a rural hospital (six bed OR) I am required to take call for all specialties d/t our size. We have 8 circulators that take call so that leaves us with about 4 days of call per...
  4. I have to give props to my coworkers...I posted in here earlier about getting stuck with call for the four day weekend of Christmas and I have an update...a newbie to our department is taking...
  5. Intra-Op Record & Delay Documentation?

    Exactly. We are constantly getting complaints from patients because of delays in procedures. Not only are thesurgeons late-they over book. They will be assigned to do a case, but also be assigned...
  6. Intra-Op Record & Delay Documentation?

    We have that too. When we first went to computerized charting we TRIED to use it...but then an ortho surgeon saw one of my co-workers pick that the cause of the delay was that the surgeon was late....
  7. help! Are surgical techs and RNs the same??

    I do believe this is a big reason of why he does act this way, but it doesn't make my job any easier. The sad thing is- he is an excellent scrub tech. He has proved him self on that. But the real...
  8. I am a nurse in surgery and have to take call over Christmas. Actually I am on call Friday the 23rd-Monday the 26th. Am I upset about it? Yes! Would I like at least one day to be home with my...
  9. Stressed

    Thank you all so much for your
  10. help! Are surgical techs and RNs the same??

    We are having the same problem with a tech at our facility as well. He is a good tech. He does his job well and I respect him for it, but he steps outside of his scope of practice. It drives all...
  11. In our hospital we are not allowed to wear a shirt that is exposed from under our scrub tops. We are also not allowed to wear our scrubs home, or launder them at home, etc. However, a lot of us wear...
  12. Stressed

    Hi everyone! I am back in school to get my BSN and I need all (okay-at least ten :) ) of your help. I am the queen of procrasination so the sooner your replies the better! LOL. I need to conduct an...
  13. Staffing in Total Joint Cases

    I work in a community hospital and typically we have 2 ortho surgeons, a scrub tech, an extra scrub to "hold the leg", a circulator, an anesthetist, and a sales rep. And in our facility techs are not...
  14. Sacred cows that need to be laid to rest

    We always were told to check the balloon before insertion, but only until recently we have stopped. We recently switched over to all non-latex items and the sales rep that supplies our latex free...
  15. Perioperative nursing in Hysteroscopies

    In our facility it is the Circulators role to keep an accurate count of I & O during hysteroscopies. We do have flow sheets in our Gyn Cart in the OR. I know that many RNs do not do use these, but...