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All Content by stari3

  1. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    That's awesome! On their site it said last 5 credits so now I'm confused haha
  2. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congratulations! Do you mind sharing your gpa for the last 5 credits and extracurriculars ? :)
  3. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    How many clinical placement hours does Queen's offer? I can't seem to find that information on their site
  4. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Did they pause for a bit? Any news is better than no news at this point haha
  5. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Has anyone gotten an offer from U of T in these past few days ? I'm getting worried it is full already lol
  6. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    hahah exactly what I was thinking!
  7. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Wow that's awesome! I got accepted to Queen's but I am really hoping for U of T so I don't have to move lol. I did my undergrad at UTM (graduating in June) so *fingers crossed* :)
  8. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congrats on U of T! would you mind sharing your gpa in the last 5 credits and extracurriculars ? :)
  9. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Do schools such as U of T send out offers on weekends as well (if they are automated or something)? Would be good to know so I don't keep checking my email every 2 seconds lol
  10. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congratulations!! Do you mind sharing your gpa for the last 5 credits and extracurriculars ? :)
  11. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congrats ! Do you mind sharing your gpa for the last 5 credits and extracurriculars ? :)
  12. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Does anyone have any advice or knowledge about Queen's AST program? I haven't heard much about Queens so it would be great if someone here can help me out :) Queens will be my backup if I don't get into U of T
  13. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congrats! Do you mind sharing your gpa for your last 5 credits and extracurriculars :)
  14. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    I am waiting for U of T as well and the wait is just brutal í ½í¸­ I guess we just have to keep some patience.
  15. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    That's awesome!! Congrats :) Do you mind telling us your gpa for the last 5 credits/extracurriculars/degree ? :)
  16. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Did anyone get any U of T offers today ?
  17. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congratulations!! What was your gpa for the last 5 credits/extracurriculars/degree if you don't mind :)
  18. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congratulations!! What was your gpa for the last 5 credits if you don't mind ! :)
  19. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    I got it and within a week I got a conditional offer. I asked the admissions through the online chat what it meant but they said it was just one part of the admissions process.
  20. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Has anyone heard from U of T yet ?
  21. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Mine just says "application recieved" still :)
  22. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Thank you halemorr! I have a 3.56 gpa in my last 10 credits :)
  23. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Hey everyone! I just got accepted to Queen's this morning (Yayyy!). Still waiting for U of T and Western :) Hopefully everyone starts getting acceptances soon!
  24. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Congratulations!! Do you know if they look at the last 10 credits or the full cgpa?
  25. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Did anyone hear from Queens or U of T yet? The wait is killing me lol