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All Content by trex5008

  1. American River College fall 2018 hopefuls

    Well if anyone applied to Sierra I just got accepted!!!
  2. American River College fall 2018 hopefuls

    Not yet!
  3. CSUS Sacramento State Fall 2018

    I agree! I busted my butt and got the 4.0 and a 95.3 on the TEAS. I barely made the cut off. I had to go get my CNA or I would have had no extra points. I was never wealthy by any means and I went to a decent high school MANY years ago. My parents ...
  4. CSUS Sacramento State Fall 2018

    I had exactly 80 and the only extra points I had were for my CNA cert.
  5. CSUS Sacramento State Fall 2018

    So if you applied with 80 points can you consider yourself in??
  6. CSUS Sacramento State Fall 2018

    I know, this is torture!
  7. American River College fall 2018 hopefuls

    Mine changed to qualified tonight too. I turned mine in on the 27th and I was number 201. Hope this helps. Not sure what type of order they are going in, but hopefully they will finish soon. I imagine the random selection part should go quickly. Goo...
  8. Sac State Nursing for Fall 2018- NEW CRITERIA

    I haven't replied on this thread yet, but the wait is killing me too. Just want to know something, anything!!!
  9. San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2018

    Thank you Dabullet06! I have applied to all the Sacramento schools and Delta. If I don't get in to a Sac School, then I will have to do the commute so a fast track option would be nice. I have 90 points so I might just be going there unless I made a ...
  10. San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2018

    So what exactly is the fast track program? I can't find any info online. Thanks for sharing!
  11. Sacramento State Fall 2018

    Hey Everyone! Getting ready to apply to Sac State for Fall 2018 and curious how many points other applicants have with the new point system. It's hard to know what to expect with the new changes. I will have 79 points: 50 for adjusted GPA, 25 for TEA...
  12. Sacramento State Fall 2018

    To cmehmi I don't think you have anything to worry about! I applied last night with 80. GPA 4.0 TEAS 95.3 Health care experience 4 I don't have a lot of extra points which makes me nervous.