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All Content by nurse_girlie

  1. Finally recieved received more communication

    The attorney I spoke to was a board lawyer. The trouble with getting an attorney is that I would probably still find myself needing an evaluation, and I would then not have the money for that. My family is in no shape to help me with this. So, I just...
  2. Finally recieved received more communication

    Was called by diciplinary guy during my pinning ceremony. Was told i was refused from the voluntary program. Was told i could call her superior and plead to be allowed in it. I did. I was presented with options. 2 of which were communicating with dis...
  3. Finally recieved received more communication

    Can't agree enough and will do. I emailed the Disciplinary guy this morning because I never heard back. I forwarded emails (where I was stuck in limbo after reapplying March 5th- was told they were waiting on my transcripts-told them they had been se...
  4. Finally recieved received more communication

    I have documented phone calls, but there hasnt been email communication. I wish i could have afforded legal counsel because this is all nuts. You cant make this **** up. This only makes me more fearful that out of eval they are going to dangle my lic...
  5. Concern

    I graduated in December this past year. I too had done a voluntary detox, appx 5 years ago. Have been sober for 3 years. When applying to the board I was unfamiliar with all of this and was honest without hesitation about my past with alcohol, ignora...
  6. Terrified again

    Well, I reapplied to the bon the first of March and finally have had communication with them. Followed by the official "you are under investigation" letter (again). During the phone call with Mrs. Monitoring, she asked if I understood that I would n...
  7. Terrified again

    I don't know if anyone will even see this. But I am feeling a bit solemn this morning. Graduation and pinning ceremony in three weeks. I will be walking and being pinned, 5 months after graduating and never having taken the nclex-unlicensed, without ...
  8. Terrified again

    Catsmeow, the list was short and they are all IN facilities. I've been told that I'll have to be away for 4-5 days for it. Period.
  9. Terrified again

    Decided against it...well truthfully didn't have too much choice in the matter ($). Also, finally spoke to an attorney who specialized with such cases (from that site...its late I can't think of the name of it) and she said she didn't think obtaining...
  10. Back to Back Tests

    How does this work? Is there a time frame that you can call to find out if you have been selected? Say I call at 5 AM and have not been selected, if I call at noon could a testing have popped up? Or later at 3 PM? Am I going to be obsessing with chec...
  11. Dx of Bipolar

    Fudge y'all. My mother has been in a panic about my diagnosis of bipolar (from age 14) coming up in this evaluation I'm gonna be facing. I sent the board a front cover of a medical record (which was the voluntary detox just past 5 yrs ago, because it...
  12. Dx of Bipolar

    How is it they get a hold of hospital records? I mean aside from the detox I is it that they get access to ALL medical records? Because that is opening a can of worms I'd imagine. Also, when I reflect back to me as a tween I see a lot of d...
  13. Dx of Bipolar

    If I may ask, did you tell the board (through evaluation or what ever the case was, I am new to this) that you suffered depression or was this something that threw you for a curve? I had admitted in my nice letter of explanation that I suffered from...
  14. Dx of Bipolar

    If they big boyed me into seeing a therapist, would that therapist hold the power to say I didn't need their services?
  15. Dx of Bipolar

    Thanks for the reply Spanked. I've been doing alot of reading on this forum and thought I had read about nurses having to do therapy as part of contract. Am I mistaking the therapist factor for part of substance abuse counseling? I keep reading about...
  16. No alcohol. NONE

    Catsmeow, I appreciate the truth you drop. I called that investigator the beginning of this week and left a message saying I had called the evaluators as I was told to. I have not received a call back to even know how to get this ball rolling. Unfort...
  17. No alcohol. NONE

    Nursebry, I can't message yet. Did you have to do an evaluation? I ask because I am facing doing a 5 day one just to recieve licensure (since graduating).
  18. Hair test

    How much are those tests a pop in Alabama?
  19. Evaluation scaries

    Catsmeow, I got a call from the only other evaluator today. This one would like 3500 (but stated if I could come up with most of it that she might could discount it) ha. I'm curious how this evaluation is going to go, so I was excited to see this thr...
  20. Any actual success with attorney?

    Thank you all. I have also found alot of people talking about their experiences on an Indeed forum. I have still not found anyone with an experience in facing the board with an attorney at their side. I'm officially freaking out, because now I am afr...
  21. Any actual success with attorney?

    Thank you for your input. So, I would be knowingly running the risk of losing alot of money on a lawyer and the BON still sticking me in you-know-where. The evaluation that you attended...i am guessing is what they are saying I would be required to ...
  22. Nursing Grad dealing with the BON

    After searching for weeks for information online I have decided to create a post here in case someone else is in a similar situation, or finds themselves in one. I graduated from my LPN program and applied to the BON and paid all my dues to them and ...
  23. Nursing Grad dealing with the BON

    And catsmeow, yeah it's a zombie matter hah. I was told I would have to answer my questions the same way when I do choose to reapply. What I have read says it would be fraud not too í ½í¸¬
  24. Nursing Grad dealing with the BON

    Well, after having the application thrown out I started trying to figure out just that- how does this change my plans? I started looking around all the bridge programs in my state. Guess what? All of them require you to be a licensed LPN. So now...I'...
  25. Nursing Grad dealing with the BON

    Catsmeow, I received a letter today saying they withdrew my application and closed the case.