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About ChiRNx

ChiRNx has 1 years experience.

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  1. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    Wanted to piggyback off of what @neuroCCRN said. My portal only has application checklist, account tools, program details and at the bottom is the admission counselor. Where did you guys find whether you got waitlisted or not on this page?
  2. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    @Kitkat222 Yeah I think it might be because you applied later! I specifically got put on hold but that was back in November and still havent heard anything since not even a waitlist.. definitely not promising but at least you know if someone denies t...
  3. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    Just wondering did you get waitlisted or put on hold?
  4. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    I interviewed back in November. Did they tell you how many seats were available thus far because when I interviewed they said they had accepted 5 students
  5. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    Has anyone heard anything or gotten off the “hold” status thus far?
  6. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    Yeah I get that they’re rolling admission but I truly don’t see any benefit if a good portion of us have to wait until everyone interviews to find out. I remember the director saying that usually have one extra interview.. the website also says that ...
  7. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    I interviewed back in early November and also got put on hold along with a few of the people who work at my same hospital. It seems like they don’t reject anyone right away. I know there’s another round of interviews January 21 though
  8. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    I think this is still better than being flat out rejected! It means your name is still in the loop. I wonder if this is similar to being waitlisted? How many people were in your interview group?
  9. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    How was the interview process for those of you who have already interviewed if you don’t mind me asking?
  10. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2020

    Hi all, I was wondering how long after you guys submitted your application did it take before you were reached out for an interview? I know it said may take up to 6 weeks but just wanted a general idea of how long everyone had to wait