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  1. Hypnotic Micro...?

    Well, I happen to be a hypnotist. The deeper the trance, the more effective it will be. Though it is possible to reach a deep trance state with these CD's, you will most likely reach a very low...
  2. Uggghhh!!! I'm waiting too. Our deadline is Jan 31. No where in the literature does it say when we are notified. So I make a few phone calls/emails. They were very rude like, "Don't bother...
  3. I have a BA in elementary education. What a joke!! Education majors (at the elementary level) have very low scholastic abilities. I spent some time in grad school studying theology/counseling in...
  4. You're going to Community College?

    I live in Kansas City and go to KCKCC. Not only do people look down their noses for me going to a junior college, they look down on me for going to THIS junior college. It's in the worse...
  5. BA in elementary education. I was told by the school that there are lots of jobs...especially for males. So I graduate and find out that there are like 100 applicants for every position. And the...
  6. I went into nursing for income/security/benefits...that's it. Not for greed, but to take care of my stay-at-home wife and children. What could be more honorable than that? I don't give a hoot about...