
NewRookie RN

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  1. AGAC, AGPC, or FNP?

    That's what I've heard, which is is why I asked. Why do you say that? Thank you!
  2. AGAC, AGPC, or FNP?

    I am an RN and I want to work as an NP with ER and trauma patients. Which program would you recommend? AGAC, AGPC, or FNP?
  3. The question "How long have you been a nurse?"

    It's an indirect way of asking your age.
  4. You're generalizing and that's not good.
  5. Too Fat To Be A Nurse?

    Congratulations on your new journey! There are plenty of mature overweight medical professionals out there, both male and female. It's all about how well you perform your job. Other than that, nobody cares. Good luck!
  6. Nurses Fired For Viral TikTok Video

    I don't understand why some health care providers would willingly expose themselves to trouble like that. Don't do it folks! That video must have been disheartening for the parents who gave birth there.
  7. Tell me about your nurse manager

    I like my manager. In fact she was the main reason I accepted the job. I got a good vibe from her during the interview process and I am glad I followed my gut. She is helpful, approachable, knowledgeable, and clearly works very hard. Managers can mak...
  8. Part time?

    Thank you and yes they would.
  9. Part time?

    No I would work 2 instead of 3 days until I complete my year there. I don't want to be in that place for a minute more than I have to. It's not worth it.
  10. Part time?

    I'm six months into my first job and I hate it. It's extremely stressful due to - surprise surprise - chronic understaffing and a high nurse to patient ratio. We had 5 resignations in the past month alone. My goal is to finish my first year then get ...
  11. Part time?

    I'm six months into my first job and I hate it. It's extremely stressful due to - surprise surprise - chronic understaffing and a high nurse to patient ratio. We had 5 resignations in the past month alone. My goal is to finish my first year then get ...
  12. Mid-Life Blues

    me too.
  13. New Grad Scared to Start in Med-Surg

    If you were able to handle nursing school you should do fine in med surg. Physically at least. The rest will depend on how much support you receive from your boss, but that's a gamble no matter where you go.
  14. What happens if I don't finish my nurse residency?

    Got it.
  15. What happens if I don't finish my nurse residency?

    My boss told me I would have to attend them outside of working hours.