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All Content by EGspirit

  1. AVNRT vs Junctional Tach??

    Yes, me too. I learn something new each time I study it. And cardiology is my favorite subject. :)
  2. Should I write a memoir?

    I feel arrogant when I consider writing a memoir. Like, who am I? But I've had some pretty unique experiences (as all nurses do), but I'm also a writer. I've written several books. So, I know how to write and publish a memoir, just in general. Is i...
  3. Should I write a memoir?

    Thanks for all the input, but I've decided not to do a memoir. I've been brought to the realization after praying about it, and being shown what I believe is a sign, that the legacies we leave are in the kindnesses we show and the one-on-one interact...
  4. needle stick injury

  5. NICU calculation. Please help.

    Either way, you're probably going to have to waste some morphine, and it depends on how your NICU or whatever allows this to work, but here's what could be done... Using a 1 ml tuberculin syringe, draw up 0.1 ml (1 mg) of the MSO4 Draw up into that s...
  6. AVNRT vs Junctional Tach??

    I think she means AV node retrograde tachycardia. I always thought there was an inverted P wave. I looked it up: Atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia. It's caused when an impulse from an ectopic foci in th atrium reaches the AV node. half the nerv...
  7. What does "Series Connections" Mean?

    That makes sense. Thanks, Guy.
  8. Success with going back to old career?

    I know in the economic downturn presided over by Bush and Obama, a lot of people turned to nursing. Just before that, nursing was lucrative. The nursing shortage was in full swing, and new grads like me could just about write their own ticket. Now it...
  9. My apologies to the nursing profession

    I've read all your responses in this string, and I don't think you are trivializing bullying at all. On the contrary, I almost see the dynamic playing out here in this string related to your comments. Your comments are spot on. They are rational and ...
  10. My apologies to the nursing profession

    I think that's absolutely right. And I also think the bullies are aware of this. If they can push you to react a certain way that will make you look bad, they will instinctively find a way to push you to that point.
  11. Advice

    I think you're saying that a facility terminated your contract and told the travel agency a lie about your performance. And then you ask, how can people lie? I mean...that's what people do to get their way. They wanted to terminate your contract, so ...
  12. Check for insufficient funds

    I don't think there's anywhere to report it, per se. The company is crap. It's not financially viable. You did ultimately get paid, so they don't owe you anything at this point, but if you continue, it's on you, now. You will be consenting to their w...
  13. My apologies to the nursing profession

    Jon, you are the problem in this. Now, I say that to get your attention, of course, but it is also true: You are the problem in this problem that is affecting your life, and it isn't just in nursing that you're going to have this problem. You got to ...
  14. BSN or Associates Degree

    I traveled for 2 years; My wife and I lived in our RV with our two dachshunds. I took assignments in California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. 50% were positive experiences, but 50% of the bad experiences were probably, upon reflection, my fault. Ne...
  15. BSN or Associates Degree

    You might be right, I don't know. But what I do know is that this same conversation, almost verbatim, was going on 14 years ago. That much, I do know.
  16. BSN or Associates Degree

    Actually, that's always been my experience as well: I've never had an issue getting a job. I think it's just supply and demand. The degree required to be an RN is an associates or a diploma. If there aren't many jobs for nurses in an area, then they ...
  17. eNLC questions

    Once you move, you don't have a multi-state license anymore. I was in the same boat. The multi-state license is only to facilitate temp and travel nurses. So, I'm not surprised that the HR department is reluctant, owing to the fact that you don't act...
  18. Should I write a memoir?

    I was thinking about something today as I was out walking... I have an issue with this memoir idea. Believe it or not, my biggest issue is that I feel it may be arrogant and presumptuous to think I have anything to really say that anyone needs to hea...
  19. BSN or Associates Degree

    It's interesting you mention about the online BSN programs. I just filled out an application, and it asked if you had an ADN or BSN from other than an online university. I hadn't seen that before, and I wonder if employers are starting to catch on to...
  20. Whether to say anything

    When you see the MD, just tell him or her that you're not sure the blood pressure is accurate, and ask if it's possible if he or she could take it.
  21. First Code blue

    There are certainly other areas of nursing you can work in that don't involve direct patient care. You just need to point your ship in that direction and sail those waters to it. Bedside nursing is very difficult emotionally. Not only do we face the ...
  22. BSN or Associates Degree

    Anyway, good luck, Raynpetal. Either way you go, if you are enthusiastic about being a nurse and joining the profession of caring, everything will fall into place for you.
  23. BSN or Associates Degree

    By the way, I do want to say as well that if it's no skin off your back, that is if you aren't in any particular hurry, there's no reason not to transfer to the university and finish your BSN. But don't waste the years of not having a job, gaining ex...
  24. BSN or Associates Degree

    Yes, I agree. it definitely depends on supply and demand in the area.
  25. BSN or Associates Degree

    In all the time I have been a nurse, I have never once found anyone who cared whether or not I had a BSN, which I don't. What they care about is an RN license. Experience is really important, so I think it's better to get your ADN, get a job, and the...