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  1. Umass Worcester fall 2018 GEP

    It still seems a lot less expensive than other MSN and/or DNP programs, right? And fortunately they require you to work as an RN a few hours a week after your first year, which may help with paying off student debt (NPToBe537 and rcwalsh, correct me ...
  2. Umass Worcester fall 2018 GEP

    Congrats on everyone who has been accepted! A few of us started started a Facebook page already if you guys are interested in joining: UMass Worcester GSN GEP Class of 2022 Can't wait to meet you all this August! And for those of you who are still w...
  3. Umass Worcester fall 2018 GEP

    Congrats to everyone who has been accepted! Good call, NurseJeffryMA. I went ahead and made one: UMass Worcester GSN GEP Class of 2022 If anyone is interested in becoming an admin, let me know! I just wanted to get the ball rolling. Can't wait to m...
  4. Umass Worcester fall 2018 GEP

    Hi NPtoBe527 - This is incredibly helpful, thank you so much! Given the academic load is pretty rigorous, do you have any suggestions as to how to prepare for the first year? Anything you wish you had done before enrolling?
  5. Umass Worcester fall 2018 GEP

    Hey NPToBe527, thanks so much for your offer! Can you provide some insight as to what your day-to-day is like as a first year student, and is there anything you wish you knew prior to starting the program?
  6. Umass Worcester fall 2018 GEP

    Hey guys! I'm glad you all got this thread started, now that application season is in full swing. Mma22664, yeah I think the application ends up being around $135 total because we have to pay for both the NursingCAS fee and the UMass fee. BUT this p...