pampa's finest

pampa's finest

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  1. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! LOL:o man the commercials and website would have you to believe that there is a shortage in the nursing field. man. so do you think that specialty would be the way to go huh....
  2. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    LOL! :rotfl: no, that's not too much info, i am glad that you told me, i want to know everything that i can do as a nurse. i care for people i do, but the money is nice also.i want to go far in the...
  3. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    well, i am not a nurse yet. i start LVN school on the 17th of Jan.i am excited but a little nervous too. i have a fulltime job now and when school starts of course that will be no more and i have been...
  4. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    REALLY, can you recollect what the plan was called? or maybe if it was passed yet? if you find out, let me know please. how long have you been
  5. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    hello mlf, yes i was going to inquire at the VAMC in Amarillo it there was like a work/school program that i could do to see if they would help me pay for school and then in return i could work for a...
  6. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    youre welcome, and it's the
  7. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    well see, to me they look close, so i thought maybe that pic in your avatar was like a custom shot or
  8. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    LOL, i see..sorry! so is that picture in your profile
  9. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    i see, so is the preceptorship a necessity? and what the heck is it! i appreciate you takin the time to answer my questions just want to make sure that i know all of my the way is that...
  10. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    hey, i forgot to wish you a merry christmas the last time, sorry. i hope that you had a good so you're kind of like your own boss then, as in you decide which case to take, or how does that...
  11. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    how often do you have serve as an expert
  12. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    wow, that would be awesome! do you have to travel alot doing when you do
  13. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    and from what i see you are doing a fine job on the board here you seem to keep moving in different directions, which is cool.what type of business are you doing,may i ask? is it nursing
  14. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    wow! and do you not find yourself getting burned out. that is like the biggest thing i hear from about alot is burn out. how do you keep it
  15. money, money, got to get my hands on some!

    That is what I was going to ask!:chuckle man i see now that I have a LOOOOOOOONG way to go!!! but that is one of the nice things about nursing, you dont get boxed into certain area, you are always...