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All Content by LexieG

  1. UTMB Fall 2018

    Yes, I'm the same! No interview no nothing as well! I think acceptances are only sent Fridays! I'm so ready to hear back. When did u send your app if you don't mind me asking?
  2. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    Actually its says to be comeptitive applicant you should have no less than a 75 on a subject í ½í¸³. My lowest is also a 72 in reading. But yeah I heard If you have anything less than a 70 they'll ask you to retake. My friend had a 66% on a subject a...
  3. UTMB Fall 2018

    Thanks, I hope you do too!
  4. UTMB Fall 2018

    Nothing on my end either! I didn't have an iterveiw tho! Which I think makes it worse for me! Ugh this wait is killing me!
  5. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    Hey girl! Lol I know it's torture! But I've kind of prepared my self for not getting accepted just cause it's taken so long! But who knows! I should know by the next two weeks I think! If not we'll maybe spring lol!
  6. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    Right! They have like a few applications to review from what I heard. My stats are okay but not great I also messed up my first semester in college and I regret it lol I'm taking biology now so Science gpa w/our science 3.3 with 3.4 Overall 3.2 wit...
  7. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    The wait has just started for you! I applied for the fall and still haven't heard back! So this is why I applied for the spring as well! Good luck to you!
  8. UTMB Fall 2018

    Ugh really! I wanna know already! But yeah that puts you in a hard situation! I guess maybe just wait till Monday? I applied very late in the process do I don't think I'll hear anything.
  9. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    Yes, I saw that too! But I think I then realized that wasn't the real website of ATI. That's why I decided to email them cause i wasn't sure.
  10. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    Not true. I emailed ATI about this last year they told me there's no wait time. She told me they have no rules (only schooled put out the rules).
  11. UTMB Fall 2018

    I think we will hear back. But probably get waitlisted. Did you apply for the spring?
  12. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    For the summer a competitive student is considered anyone with a 3.0 and above. This is because not many students apply during the fall. And mine is a 3.3 -3.4 so dont feel bad. I applied for the fall and haven't heard a yes or no. So I went ahead an...
  13. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    What's your gpa if you don't kind me asking..
  14. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    You don't have to wait 30 days for UTMB. I'd start working on taking it again before the deadline!
  15. UTMB Fall 2018

    That's exactly what I'm thinking!
  16. UTMB Fall 2018

    No:( but at least you had an interview! I've heard nothing!
  17. UTMB Fall 2018

    Did you hear back by email or call?
  18. UTMB Fall 2018

    I honestly kind of feel like we're gonna get waitlisted. Or maybe they're waiting to see if anyone declines to give us an opportunity. Those whom haven't heard anything mind sharing your stats? I'll share mine My gpa isn't the best this is why I thi...
  19. UTMB Fall 2018

    Me! :|
  20. UTMB Fall 2018

    What are you stats if you don't mind me asking? I submitted about a weekly two before the deadline. And got the supplemental same around you too.
  21. UTMB Fall 2018

    This is what she said: "Leslie, Interviews are still going out, however we do not release information about how many spots are available for a particular session. Did you fill out your supplemental application? As long as you filled it out, you shoul...
  22. UTMB Fall 2018

    For those still waiting, Katherine from UTMB, just emailed me back letting me know interviews are still going out. And well hear something in 3-4 weeks ..
  23. UTMB Fall 2018

    Well spring is less competitive than fal. Honestly I'd say try your teas again and leave your gpa!! I don't know, I'm guessing 2 months after deadline. But yes they take so long!
  24. UTMB Fall 2018

    I'm sorry.. Thanks for the heads up. Still nothing on my part. My I'm planning for the spring semester tonight. I hope you are too!
  25. UTMB Fall 2018

    One girl commented that utmb said to give up to 4 weeks maybe less to get an answer or an interview. I hope this wasn't the last round either I haven't heard anything.