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All Content by LexieG

  1. UTMB Fall 2018

    I honestly think it just depends on how many people decide not to accept utmb! Id say the only way to know is look at past forums lol but that's a lot of reading!
  2. UTMB Fall 2018

    I also had my interview today. And was told the same as the person above mentioned. I interviewed for the waitlist :/ so the wait continues...
  3. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    You can. I don't think you have to though. I wanted to since I figured they haven't even started looking at the applications for spring yet.
  4. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    You can send them to NursingCAS( I called).
  5. UTMB Fall 2018

    How did you answer if you don't mind me asking? I'm trying to prepare a little for the interview tomorrow.
  6. UTMB Fall 2018

    Thank you! We're you the person that was asked those difficult questions?
  7. UTMB Fall 2018

    I'm going tomorrow! Will let u know how it goes.
  8. UTMB Fall 2018

    Wasn't the deadline for spring April 30?
  9. UTMB Fall 2018

    I received an email Monday, they want to have a an interview with me. The interview is determine if I should be on the waitlist. Which sucks but I prefer that than a No. Yeah call and see if they give you an update. Let us know what they say
  10. UTMB Fall 2018

    Yes as long as I get accepted my 2019 lol. But thanks good luck to you as well!
  11. UTMB Fall 2018

    I'd rather be waitlisted.. I have to interview to make it to the waitlist ... :\
  12. UTMB Fall 2018

    Wow! I would be a frustrated as you are! I'm sorry this is happening to you! It's hard to give you any advice! But I'd say apply to other schools as well if they keep doing this to you!
  13. UTMB Fall 2018

    Yes I was so excited to see interview and then I read waitlist and my jaw dropped! I've never heard of this! But yeah I guess it's a good thing we weren't denied. Did u set up an interview yet? I looked at my email too late to call but I'll call tomo...
  14. UTMB Fall 2018

    Sooo I received an email basically saying they want to interview me to be on the waitlist. Is that what everyone else received? Like I have to interview to be waitlisted but not exactly to be accepted!?
  15. UTMB Fall 2018

    Aw well good luck to you!! :)
  16. UTMB Fall 2018

    Yes, I think it was a couple of them who were later accepted after being waitlisted (for the same semester). And one girl was accepted earlier in the spring after being waitlisted.
  17. UTMB Fall 2018

    Here I am 2:30 am looking at the fall 2017 forum, giving myself some more torture! Lol sooo I saw some people were still getting interviews in May! And Some were even accepted in July (they had been waitlisted though). But that's crazy that's still t...
  18. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    Mine hasn't either and I applied for the fall also and it hasn't changed since. Some people saw changed before they received an interview but not all.
  19. UTMB Fall 2018

    Hopefully that's the case! My bf says if we haven't heard a no, it could be that they're waiting to see if anyone was accepted de odds to to go to another school and they might have more spots open!
  20. UTMB Fall 2018

    Right!!! I just called! She said another two weeks or so till we all know.
  21. UTMB Fall 2018

    Thanks! Good luck! I'm confused my gpa isn't as good as yours (3.3) my teas was an 84.7. I didn't get an interview but I haven't been denied either.
  22. UTMB Fall 2018

    Did you have an interview? I'm still waiting *sigh*
  23. UTMB Fall 2018

    Yes thank you!! I knew i was missing something!!
  24. UTMB Fall 2018

    The calculate overall, pre req, and science ( chem, bio, ap1, AP2, nutrition, life span) ( I'm like 90% those are the science electives?
  25. UTMB Spring/Summer 2019

    They have a file where it says how to be a competitive student "ï‚· The results of this assessment are included in the overall evaluation of your application for admission, so it is VERY IMPORTANT to study before taking the test. Historically, a com...