
nurse2b1 RN


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  1. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    That's what I was thinking as well!!
  2. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I haven't! What is the benefit
  3. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I'm like send the letters out already!! Lol
  4. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    2 weeks post application deadline hopefully it won't be much longer!!
  5. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I read on another thread lvn letters went out first But that was last year I believe
  6. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    The way I understand it is...when they get to your name and ranking...if there is a spot at your first choice you are placed at that location. If not they go to your second choice and so forth. If I am wrong, someone please correct me! Thanks
  7. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    No problem!!
  8. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    Happy Resurrection Day!! April is here guys!! Let the count down begin!!!
  9. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    Can I just wear any color!! Lmbo I'm ready to get this thing started!!
  10. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I need chemistry but I think I'm going to wait!!
  11. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I think 7.4 is a very competitive score!!
  12. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    What advice would you give us!!
  13. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    Yes!! I'm like come on the week of the 15 or so already!! í ½í¸‚
  14. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    Mrs Martin is very thorough! In her teachings she gave examples that you can relate to that will help you remember the material. Professor Hall is the department chair I believe and I used her you tube videos as a study tool. They make sure you grasp...
  15. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    Professors Martin and Hall @ cy fair!!!
  16. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    That's a good score!!!
  17. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I‘ve been hearing a lot of good things about Tomball and first choice is cyfair because it's closer to my home!!
  18. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I'm ready!!
  19. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    At least we know they are working on them...just praying we don't have a huge delay...the 29th is it shouldn't be tooo bad!! Lol
  20. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I think that's for people with errors because I logged in and I don't have rights to change anything.
  21. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    On the application website?
  22. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    Micro is a lot of reading but it was the best class I had! I love the class and my professor!
  23. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I'm ready!!!
  24. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I pay out of pocket. Didn't even look into the loans
  25. Fall 2018 Lone Star Hopefuls

    I think your score is good! Keep in mind there were only 2 options in the spring. For the fall there are 4