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  1. Kaiser ED Question

    I'm specifically curious about Kaiser Zion in San Diego... I guess it's just hard for me to fathom. I've only worked at one hospital and I don't really see the assignments getting shifted around to...
  2. Moving to PHX, Hospitals/Recommendations/Tips

    Mayo offers a new grad program a few times a year. A few of my friends got in straight out of nursing school. It's very competitive, but they seem to love it. Another one of my friends got in at...
  3. Kaiser ED Question

    So I tried posting this in the CA forum, but didn't get a single response. I was reading that Kaiser EDs in CA have a 1:3 ratio in place and am curious if it's honored. From my understanding, the...
  4. Wanting to get away from the bedside

    Hey there! I'm an ED nurse in a large level 1 teaching hospital. I've been doing this for 2.5 years and started here as a new grad. I really enjoyed it at first, but after awhile the newness wore off...