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All Content by NYSNOWBUNNY007

  1. BS or BSN with ADN??...

    Hello everyone, I was asked this question twice the past two weeks by TWO different people...LOL!...so im coming to the best information source as usual..Allnurses!!..lol...ok..so here it is...the two individuals asked me..."what can you do, or shou...
  2. BS or BSN with ADN??...

    Now when you mention BS with a major in Nursing are you refering to the ADN?...XoXo
  3. How many days does one have to wait to retake NCLEX in NY?

    I believe its the same in every state...you must wait 45 business to retake it...good luck...XoXo
  4. Helen Fuld

    oh... this was one year ago..oops...lol...XoXo
  5. May sound Repetative but...

    Im considering Ga in the next couple of years...i have family down there who currently reside in kennesaw and auburn GA...they are trying to convince me to move to GA, they tell me about the quality of life and they all own homes...yet this is my con...
  6. Question....

    I have seen in this forum that many take the boards a few times...isnt there a limit pn how many times you can take boards?...did they change it to unlimited?..when i was in school i thought i heard my instructor say that if you dont pass boards afte...
  7. May sound Repetative but...

    thank you all so much for the info...i really appreciate it..and yes white plains is a city of westchester i live about 15 mintues from there...i really love the suburbs here in new york and ga is one of the places that reminds me the most of home......
  8. Any NICU info for Atlanta?

    Hi ladies, Im considering Ga in the near future like 2 years or so...for the nicu can someone please tell me what the pay is like in these specialties?...i have read from the threads that New Grad Rn's begin at 22 to 23/hr...is this true?...i current...
  9. Helene fuld nyc computer entrance exam

    yep..im just waiting to get all my ducks in a row...XoXo
  10. Helene fuld nyc computer entrance exam

    Hey PM me and i will give you some info i just took it back in May did pretty good..if you want anymore info pm me i would be glad to help..Xoxo
  11. Re-Take CPNE......long post!

    Im so sorry about the fail...Im curious to know what site you tested in, albany?...keep on keepin on...you'll make it!...XoXo
  12. Lunah Passed In Mansfield 6/13-15

    WOW!!...seems like it was just yesterday you were taking TWO EC exams a month!!!..LOL...remember what i told ya!!...:clpty::clpty::nmbrn::nmbrn::nmbrn::dncgcpd:*wine*wine*wine*wine...XoXoXo!!
  13. Labs are done!

    OMG YOU GO GIRL...YOU ARE BRAVE POSTING DURING YOUR CLINICALS...I'd BE wreck!!!....But YOU GO GO GO!!!...LOL...i told you that you were gonna have the best b-day EVER!!..XoXo
  14. Good Luck Lunah!!

    Oh im fine...I will begin in august!...got one more pre-req to do and my projected graduation date is Nov 5th 2009!..so far so good. now remember mama BEST B-DAY EVER!!!...lol....XoXo:yeah:
  15. Good Luck Lunah!!

    May GOD bless you with another B-Day AANNNDDD That RN ATTCHACHED to the back of your name!!!!...Go show them that red heads are not only hot, they're smart too!!!...kick some ***...get'em HOT LIL MAMA!!LOL...Good luck hun, i KNOW you'll do great!...Y...
  16. Considering Texas

    Hi, My husband and I have considered Texas after we obtain our RN's..we currently live in New York..though the pay is pretty good for RN's up this way new grad start at 69,000 a year in NYC hospitals and in the suburbs it s like 30- 35 dollars an hou...
  17. 2009 Grads! Come 1 Come ALL!

    Ooooh cool!!!...lol...Well i start in August...and as far as the projected date goes I graduate (God Willing) November 5th 2009!! RN Program!...I wish everyone the BEST of Luck Love Ya's...:heartbeatXoXo
  18. For us "big" girl nurses.....

    hi...this question may be kind of odd...but for the past year and a half i have gained 42lbs...any nurses out there wear girdles under your scrubs to look a bit smaller?...i have noticed that wearing scrubs really made me gain some weight...i believe...
  19. For us "big" girl nurses.....

    lol...im really surprised with the amount of responses...yeah..ima give it a try..stress to me makes me gain more weight...it sucks...but you have to do what you have to do right?...thanks 2 all...XoXo
  20. Question About Helene Fuld College of Nursing

    Hi I have a question... i have read a few threads... well actually there was one thread that had a few replies..LOL...for helene fuld in NYC..my question is this..i am strongly considering going Helene fuld...and i wanted to know from students who ar...
  21. Nursing Layoffs!!

    This is sooo classless...i cant believe that they would raise hopes for these RN's who have sacrificed to get to where they want to be and out of no where they just do this...classless..so much for employee moral...I wonder what their mission stateme...
  22. Question About Helene Fuld College of Nursing

    Thank you Bklyngurl!!...good to hear...yeah when i went there there were soooooo many people...i was like.."whats this!?!?"..lol...in any even i tried NOT to let that deter me...I'll make sure i stay on top of my game...thanks for the heads up...XoXo
  23. Considering Texas

    LOL!...I hear ya!...XoXo
  24. My D.o.n. Is So Unprofessional!!!!

    I have seen this kind of treatment EVERYWHERE..unfortunately...many times people feel like their stuck between a wall and a spade..to complain or not to complain...many times reporting can actually make things worse...why?...because the administrator...
  25. Considering Texas

    Wow so many great responses!...lol...also i agree with a few here that say it evens out no matter where you go(as far as job salary and cost of living)...I live in Westchester county NY ...right know for a two br apt your looking at anywhere from 120...