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All Content by thatgirl2478

  1. check my work for this IV question please

    Thank you for the thorough answer! Very helpful!
  2. check my work for this IV question please

    So - 2 questions: If you're instructed to give a drug every 8 hrs, isn't that 4 doses in 24 hours (first dose, then 3 subesquent doses 8 hrs apart = 24 hrs)? Second - in the example, if you reconstitute 2mg but are only supposed to give 1, does the ...
  3. Is hospital nursing an unbearably dirty job?

    Yep! Having two kids made me realize that a) I can handle getting all varieties of bodily fluid on me and b) that I'm calm in the face of 'emergency'.
  4. Associate or Bachelor degree?

    Check with your local hospitals as they are usually the employers that are picky about degree type. You can go to a job posting site and see what they ask for in their job listings, but you can usually find someone in recruiting at the hospital who ...
  5. Will Nursing be stressful?

    I'll preface this with the fact that I'm not a nurse yet. ANY job can be stressful to the point where it messes with your mind. I worked in IT QA for 10 years and there was a certain period where I would drop my husband off at the train station and ...
  6. it probably depends on your school. one school in the area I'm in requires them to be no more than 10 years old. The other 2 schools don't care how old they are. The one that does care is a hospital affiliated school, as is one that dosen't care ...
  7. ADN or BSN?

    So what you need to do is find out the REAL DEAL on who the hospitals hire before you make a potentially expensive decision. Start by looking at their job listings. Look for 'entry level' positions and see if they just want a licensed RN or if they p...
  8. 2017 Job Market Nursing in Illinois.. good, bad, ugly?

    I'm in Central IL (pretty much as Central as you can get) and I'm glad that they're doing this! LOL It's already hard enough to get into the better (and limited in number) Nursing School programs in this area, but adding in the competition from Chica...
  9. Worst day ever!

    Good point.
  10. The Men in OB Debate: Help!

    So, not a nurse, but I have birthed 2 children and BOTH my OB's were men! I, personally, could give two craps if you are a man or a woman. Yes, you obviously won't have all the experiences that a woman has. But there are many MANY female nurses tha...
  11. Worst day ever! was a list of possible topics that might be covered on a MidTerm... NOT questions or answers - just potential topics? How is that cheating? I mean, if you go to class and do the work you already know the possible topics. It sounds like th...
  12. Don’t know if I have enough passion for nursing

    This. I have 3 friends who have BS's in Psych. Do you know what they do? Two got their masters - one works in Ergonomics (not related to Psych) and the other works in Quality Analysis for an Academy of [insert Medical organization here]. The third? W...
  13. Should I quit? Idk what to do!

    One word of warning on the appeal of a 'state retirement' .... not all states are fiscally sound and that state retirement may not be available when you get ready to retire. I know because I live in IL the state that will be in debt FOREVER to it's r...
  14. How hard is it to get your first nursing job?

    First you have to understand that there are 5 ways of becoming an 'RN': - diploma school (increasingly rare) - LPN > RN completion programs - Associates Degree (commonly called an ADN or ASN) - Bachelors Degree (BSN) - Accelerated BSN ( for peo...
  15. How hard is it to get your first nursing job?

    You should be able to qualify for LOANS, just not Federal Grants - though it will depend on how much you borrowed for your first degree. How difficult it is to find a job is going to depend on your location. Take a look at your local online job posti...
  16. Nursing is the Biggest Mistake of My Life

    The original post on this thread was over a year ago, then 'brian s.' came in and updated it, but there doesn't appear to be any more info added. What's the deal? Did the OP graduate/pass NCLEX and get a job? Did OP marry the Fiance? I'm glad to see...
  17. Nursing @ 32?

    well crap, if 32 is too old then what am I doing taking prerequisites for Nursing? I'm 39! You'll be fine. If anything, age helps you because you hopefully know how you learn, how to study effectively, have had real life experience, and can usuall...
  18. Baby vs no baby... help!

    wait. babies can be HARD and TIME CONSUMING - just like school. Don't put yourself (or a baby) through that if you can avoid it - and you can avoid it now! I have 2 kids, 6 and 3, they are great but they are time consuming - and obviously not babies....
  19. Bringing infant on job search...

    Yeah, I wouldn't. I would dress professionally and have copies of my resume ready to turn in. I would definitely find child care because you never know how your kid is going to behave from moment to moment (I know, I have 2. They can be perfect ange...
  20. A&P is making no sense at all!

    I'm 39 and taking the prereq classes to apply for nursing school too. I took A&P as a single course 10 years ago and am retaking it now along with Chem 1 (taking it for the 3rd time, last time was 11 years ago), Nutrition and Medical Terminology....
  21. Gross Things Patients Do

    My husband is a social worker. He worked with adults with mental illness & drug/alcohol dependency. One day he was standing on the sidewalk with one of his clients discussing 'life', when his client, spying a dead baby bird on the sidewalk, scoo...