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All Content by thatgirl2478

  1. Patient Diagnosis help

    why is it that very few students actually follow up on their requests for help? granted, it's only been 2 days so maybe the OPs get busy... but I've noticed this as a general trend. :)
  2. Best educational path for older student?

    I'm not too far off what you're doing (40 when I start my ADN in August). I have a BS already, 2 kids, but no job and neither of my kids are special needs - just young. I decided that the summers with my kids NOW (before I have a job) were more impor...
  3. New grad salaries - what is it in your area?

    Central IL $25/hr as reported by ETA - that's hospital. I believe LTC & other facilites are lower. :/
  4. Why are nurses the only profession that cannot accept gifts?

    I worked in corporate IT for a large national pharmacy chain and WE weren't allowed to accept gifts. Not that we ever got any. But if we did, we had to refuse.
  5. Do Nurses Earn Big Money? You Decide.

    I hate to break it to you, this phenomenon isn't limited to the nursing profession. I worked for many years in the IT sector for a large pharmacy chain without a raise. And my husband has been working for the gov for the past 10 years, only just rece...
  6. CBD & Nursing don't mix

    I've never taken it but was told the same thing, but have heard from other people that they HAVE popped positive for THC even when using a CBD that's not supposed to have any...
  7. Programs With No Pre-Reqs (Or no expiration date)

    Most of the BSN programs don't expire the general ed courses other than the science ones because those are the ones people generally don't use day to day. I had to retake all my sciences and 2 additional psych courses that I never took as a Business ...
  8. HELP WITH STATS PROJECT (poll)-please.

  9. Self-plagiarism?

    This just seems ridiculous. Were the two care plans even related to the same person/condition?
  10. Too old?

    I'll be 40 in August, I start nursing school in Jan. You're not too old. Can you take more than 1 course at a time?
  11. Where should the fundus be postpartum?

    Thank you google LOL
  12. Who cleans the poo?

    I mean, if they aren't a C.diff patient, then it's just poop right? Solid, formed poop? I mean, it's not my idea of a fun Saturday night, but it's just poop and you have gloves. But that may be years of having cats, dogs and kids to clean up after sp...
  13. When is your Spring Break & what are you doing?

    spring break is NOW and I'm doing NOTHING and going NOWHERE. Yay.
  14. Anyone trying to get into nursing school?

    Well, if you do an LPN course you can always take an LPN -> RN completion course and then you could go the RN -> BSN completion route. However, it's gonna take longer that way. That said, maybe you could get an employer to help pay for the add...
  15. What are my chances of getting into a nursing school?

    ditto 'it depends on your school'. google 'your town' + nursing schools and take an hour or so to go through their admissions requirements. In my town most schools (3 out of 4) don't care about SAT - only ACT (if they care at all) and GPA.
  16. Mandatory Vaccine Waiver in Nursing School/Clinicals

    TDAP is routinely given to pregnant women during their 3rd trimester because it imparts more immunity to the baby at that point, but it's perfectly safe to give at any stage of pregnancy And the flu shot is also safe for pregnant women, though the na...
  17. ETA - if I'm WRONG I'd love feedback nicely if possible
  18. So I'm not in nursing school yet, but my limited understanding of nursing diagnosis is that you need to think about what you can do as a NURSE and what is happening with the patient - not just the symptoms. Don't try to figure out what caused the MI ...
  19. microbiology or anatomy over the summer?

    I'd do micro. I'm in Micro & AP2 now, and having AP2 shortened from the regular 16 week schedule would be insane, but Micro could go faster and not be a problem.
  20. Anyone trying to get into nursing school?

    Depends on the school, their requirements and when they accept applications. My local Community College only enrolls RN students in the Fall, so applications have to be in by mid Jan. so for my local school, it would be too late to apply for Fall 201...
  21. Funding for nursing school

    Private loans may still be available. However, most of them are not subsidized so you'll either accrue or have to pay interest while you're in school. Plus they usually have higher rates attached to them. If you have a home that has any equity, you...
  22. Taking 3 Science Prerequisites Over the Summer

    Most likely you can't take AP1 & 2 at the same time, they are designed as sequential courses. That said, I wouldn't take AP2 & Micro at the same time in the summer. I'm taking them together during the regular spring semester and it's a lot. ...
  23. Too old?

    It's actually in the terms of service here on Allnurses NOT to use RN, nurse, etc in your screen name if you aren't one. And apparently, it's NOT legal to say you're something your not even if you aren't practicing (I thought the same thing and it w...
  24. affordable apartment with rn salary

    Nope, not even half of that for a mortgage on a whole house :). That said, we also don't live in a high cost of living area even though it is a metro area.
  25. affordable apartment with rn salary

    Oh and I WISH RN's started out at $75k here! We barely even hit $50k :/ oh well.