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About obnurse406

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  1. I've always known I have wanted to pursue an advanced nursing degree, and I feel like the time is right in my life to start. I have 6 years experience as a labor and delivery nurse. I always thought I wanted to pursue a nurse practitioner career. I ...
  2. I've always known I have wanted to pursue an advanced nursing degree, and I feel like the time is right in my life to start. I have 6 years experience as a labor and delivery nurse. I always thought I wanted to pursue a nurse practitioner career. I ...
  3. What EFM software do you use, and do you love or hate it?

    I'm a traveler and at my current assignment they use Epic and Obix. I don't love Epic, but it's okay. Obix I really don't like at all. I think it just takes some getting used to, but the hospital I was at previously for 5 years used Centricity, and I...
  4. A little background about me: I am a nurse with 5 years of experience on an LDRP unit that does about 1500 deliveries per year. I have also been a member of my hospital's perinatal flight team for the last 2 years, transporting high-risk patients fro...
  5. NP with anosmia

    Haha true @dizzyjon, however sometimes the only symptom of a pelvic problem can be an unusual odor...
  6. NP with anosmia

    Thank you! I really appreciate your input and am happy to hear that.
  7. NP with anosmia

    Hey everyone, A little backstory: I am a labor and delivery RN/perinatal flight nurse. I have considered going back to school eventually to pursue a career as a women's health nurse practitioner. I've been thinking about doing so sometime in the next...
  8. Looking for insight on military nursing!

    Thank you! Your response was incredibly helpful and I appreciate it so much! My fiance is ex-Air Force and is also considering reenlisting if I do join, so I'm hoping that even though both of us being in the military poses it's own stresses, it will ...
  9. Looking for insight on military nursing!

    Thank you very much for your input jfratian! Your replied have really helped me feel more confident in my choice. I have started talking to a recruiter and am hoping I will be able to make this happen.
  10. Looking for insight on military nursing!

    Thanks! I haven't actually been able to talk to this individual for her account of her experience, so I'm hearing this from a 3rd party. That's why I wanted to get some input more directly from the source! I appreciate your thoughts very much. She wa...
  11. Looking for insight on military nursing!

    Thank you very much for your input!
  12. OB nurses in the military!

    Thanks, I posted here before seeing that forum.
  13. Looking for insight on military nursing!

    Thank you for your reply!
  14. OB nurses in the military!

    Hey everyone, I'm a labor and delivery nurse with 3 years of floor experience with my BSN. I'm considering joining the Air Force as a commissioned officer, and wanted to get some insight from those with some experience in this area. There are a lot o...
  15. Hey everyone, I'm a labor and delivery nurse with 3 years of floor experience with my BSN. I'm considering joining the Air Force as a commissioned officer, and wanted to get some insight from those with some experience in this area. There are a lot o...