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About babygenesis2009

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  1. Valley vs Sunrise

    Thanks so much guys, that really
  2. Valley vs Sunrise

    I was hoping to get a job at Sunrise, but Valley is also an option. I would like to be an ER nurse. Anyone with experience have any thoughts or
  3. Paying for nursing school?

    He actually receives disability. And we get more than enough in financial aid to pay for school now. I have been working and doing school at the same time up until now. I wanted you do really well in...
  4. Paying for nursing school?

    I just wanted to know if anyone had more info about how they paid for nursing school. Both me and my husband are in school, we have 3 kids, and we are basically living off of student loans and I'm...
  5. UMC monitor tech

    well I took the test on friday, and I think I did pretty well. Gotta wait and see if it leads to an interview, I really hope it does! My status on my application now says "pass". I don't know if that...
  6. UMC monitor tech

    Help! I am taking a test on Friday for a cardiac monitor tech position at UMC in Las Vegas. I really need this job! I am a nursing student and need to work to care for my family while i'm in nursing...