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About ashleyrhiannon

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  1. Southwestern College ADN Fall 2018 Cohort

    If we don't hear today I will probably
  2. Southwestern College ADN Fall 2018 Cohort

    Hopefully today is the day
  3. National University SD Cohort 55 - July 2018

    Does anybody know the timeframe that we should be receiving our acceptance/denials? This is my third attempt applying so I am extremely
  4. Southwestern College ADN Fall 2018 Cohort

    Has anybody talked to the nursing department recently to get an idea of when we will be receiving the emails? I called during February and the lady was mad that I was asking for a possible time frame...
  5. National University Cohort 54 Spring April 2018

    Any updates anybody? Fingers
  6. National University Cohort 54 Spring April 2018

    Also, I was told there was about 200 applicants with only 40 spots available to fill. is this information
  7. National University Cohort 54 Spring April 2018

    Hi! What is your GPA/TEAS score?
  8. National University Cohort 54 Spring April 2018

    Hi everyone! My name is Ashley and I was denied to cohort 53. I've applied to this cohort and was wondering if anyone knows how many applicants there is? Also, is the extra point you are receiving...
  9. National University Cohort 53

    Does anyone know what the point cut-off
  10. National University Cohort 53

    I was
  11. National University Cohort 53

    Has anybody received any
  12. National University Cohort 53

    Are we able to find out our essay grade before we know if we are accepted/denied? Does anybody
  13. National University Cohort 53

    Does anybody know how many spots are actually available to fill since there has been a few deferments I have heard
  14. National University Cohort 53

    I am beginning to get nervous about the essay, I've heard many say they don't get graded well and are usually an "A" student in English
  15. National University Cohort 53

    Hey Kelly, So I talked to Elizabeth in the nursing department and the stats I got was 83.67 for cut off and 81.9 for the alternates. I don't know how the previous cohorts were, but I was informed that...