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About Imanny

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  1. George Brown Nursing Interview

    The written question was "if a family member wasn't to familiar with their technology device and asked you to explain how to use it, what method would you use to teach them?" The verbal question was "was their ever a mentor in your life and how did t...
  2. George Brown Nursing Interview

    I'm a mature student. Graduated 2 years ago.
  3. George Brown Nursing Interview

    The deadline in august 9th. I will probably do the interview tomorrow.
  4. George Brown Nursing Interview

    Omg so I got the email invitation for the interview! I'm sooo nervous. What were the questions like?
  5. George Brown Nursing Interview

    Hey, what was the online interview like? and if you don't mind me asking what were your highschool grades? I'm still waiting for a response from GBC and it's so stressful