
NurseKar BSN, RN


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All Content by NurseKar

  1. UCF Spring 2018

    I finished the fingerprints but it still says incomplete. I know it's probably going to stay that way for a while. Can't wait to get our MoA's
  2. UCF Spring 2018

    I'm going to cocoa campus 3.7 cumulative gpa 4.0 science 87.3 teas Also looking for a possible roommate, join the Facebook group so we could all connect :)
  3. UCF Spring 2018

  4. UCF Spring 2018

    Can't find it, could you post a link?
  5. UCF Spring 2018

    @Judyjia1 I'm currently living in Orlando with my boyfriend. Cocoa is about a 45 minute drive from where I live, and if it's too tough to commute I might need a roommate in that area. Someone should make a Facebook page for the Cocoa campus :)
  6. UCF Spring 2018

    Yeah I started the background check too, i feel it's going to be a long process lol, I'm still waiting for review of the disclosure agreement we had to fill out as a PDF
  7. UCF Spring 2018

    Just got the email, I got into Cocoa!
  8. UCF Spring 2018

    I'm pretty sure most of us are gonna get in, only nerds like us check these sites haha
  9. UCF Spring 2018

    Yeah, last year they heard back on today on the 21st... but because of the hurricane I think by next week we'll know for sure.
  10. UCF Spring 2018

    I knooow, I check it everyday lol. My status changed from "under review" to "eligible" too.
  11. UCF Spring 2018

    Mine is all green except the prereqs, I think they haven't gotten my transcript even though I sent it at the end of July lol. But I'm sure itll work out since I only had 1 prereq there. I'm also working to save money... but I just have to get a job f...
  12. UCF Spring 2018

    Yeah same here, can't wait to see if I got in. What are you guys going to be doing during fall semester?
  13. UCF Spring 2018

    Has anyone applied to both Cocoa and Daytona? I cant find how to set one as priority.. Could someone help me out?
  14. UCF Spring 2018

    We apply in 5 days o.o!! My cumulative GPA is a 3.7, 4.0 science GPA, 87.3 teas. The nursing advisor told me I was very competitive so hopefully that's good news. I'm really excited.
  15. University of Miami CRNAs 2016

    How do they base their admissions? GPA? Tests?
  16. UCF Spring 2018

    You should still apply, you never know what could happen! Also maybe your teas score can make you more competitive
  17. UCF Spring 2018

    I didn't buy the book or anything tbh. I only studied for the science part cause I think that's my weakest area. So I suggest just hard focusing on what you're weakest at. I took practice tests online and science was always my worst lol. But on the ...
  18. UCF Spring 2018

    Just an update, I got a 87.3 on the TEAS!
  19. UCF Spring 2018

    I'm planning on living in Orlando and going to Cocoa campus by car lol. I hope this isn't too crazy, if not I might have to move/find a roommate. If we get in maybe we could find a place together if any of you are interested Taking the TEAS this Fr...
  20. UCF Spring 2018

    What's everyone else's stats? I kinda wanna know how I stack up haha. hoping I get at least a 85 on my teas next week :'S
  21. UCF Spring 2018

    Hello! I'm also applying for UCF Spring 2018. I'm planning on applying to both Cocoa and Daytona, just so I can increase my odds of getting in haha. Do you guys know if you could get accepted to both? or if you apply to both do they just put you in o...